Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Talk about BLITHERING IDIOTS the insurrectionists took SELFIES while committing illegal acts. SELFIES? What's more dumbsh** than that?

Talk about BLITHERING IDIOTS the insurrectionists took SELFIES while committing illegal acts. SELFIES? What's more dumbsh** than that?

Doing it because GUANO invited them to do so

Dumb and dumber. Sheesh. Not one brain among them. Not one. They made SURE to do everything they could to leave tracks so they could be lauded and applauded they thought.

Dumbsh** idiots nitwits halfwits brainless GUANOHEADS.

Posted - July 13, 2021


  • 33814
    More proof that they were let in and not violent.  How a person can be charged with tresspassing when there are picts of officers holding the door open is crazy? 
      July 13, 2021 6:06 AM MDT

  • 10955
    They were violent over 40 cops were injured and one was killed. There were a few cops that let some of them in but probably only because they were cops who supported  the big lie  and put that lie above their duty which was to protect the people inside the Capital. Cheers!
      July 13, 2021 8:18 AM MDT