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There’s no guarantee that private school is automatically a better option for you and your children. Do you know of anyone who regrets

placing their child or children in private school as opposed to public school, and if so, what are the reasons for that regret?

  When I was growing up, Maryann R. was a fellow student who came from a quite well-to-do family, her parents were much older than all of the other parents, maybe in their fifties as opposed to their thirties. I seem to remember she and I had attended school together since second grade. During seventh or eighth grade, she suddenly disappeared, and reappeared in tenth or eleventh grade. She mused that her parents had thought she was getting too wild and put her in a Catholic all-girls school to address the problem, but it has backfired because her behavior got worse instead of better. She found it very funny, and was glad to be back among her friends in public school. In her teenaged mind, she saw it as scoring a victory over her parents.

Posted - July 13, 2021


  • 6023
    I guess it depends on what measurement you go by.
    Generally, for education, home-schooling is best ... followed by private school ... followed by public school.
    Of course, that's also because home-school parents are generally most involved in their child's education.

    Though if you go by socializing ... the list is reversed.
    I knew a fellow once who was highly educated due to home schooling - but had almost no social skills, to the point of being obnoxious.
    That changed dramatically after he enlisted in the Army, and went through boot camp.  lol
      July 13, 2021 8:41 AM MDT

  • 19937
    I think a great deal depends on the public school.  In NYC, there are public schools that are excellent and those that aren't.  Typically, the better schools are in better neighborhoods while the lesser ones are in low income areas.  NYC wanted to begin busing children in poorer areas to better schools, but that didn't seem to work out well when Covid hit.  I'm not a parent, but my belief is that a child should not have to take a bus to another neighborhood to get a goo public school education.  The schools in their neighborhoods should be brought up to par.  

    As for private schools, most of them are religiously affiliated.  At one time, they were probably the source of a better education, but I don't think that's still the case.  Now that the teachers are secular, they are the same ones teaching in the public schools.  Our taxes pay for public education and parents should not have to pay extra to send their child to a private school unless they want to focus on the religious aspect as well - the education in ALL schools should be the same.
      July 13, 2021 10:27 AM MDT

  • 581
    Yes.  Public school are government regulated to teach certain things.  Private school have no such requests, and teach what they see fit.
      July 13, 2021 1:58 PM MDT