Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Rachel Carson wrote "THE SILENT SPRING" n 1962. What was it about? Use of DDT to kill mosquitos also killed birds. The result of the book?.
Rachel Carson wrote "THE SILENT SPRING" n 1962. What was it about? Use of DDT to kill mosquitos also killed birds. The result of the book?.
I believe the use of DDT was banned. Also preservation of nature movements began. Groups were formed. The book was a catalyst that triggered awareness of the results and consequences of our actions.
Clearly as usual the "vested interests" stopped it from happening immediately Shuhak. YOU KNOW THAT. DID YOU REALLY EXPECT IT TO HAPPEN in 1962? Thank you for your reply! I wish it were swift and sooner but well you know how homo saps HATE anything that cuts into their moneyhungreygrubbygreedy. :(