Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Roasting on a spit over open fire in Hell was the worst punishment I could ever imagine. Then GUANO showed up and did guess what?

Roasting on a spit over open fire in Hell was the worst punishment I could ever imagine. Then GUANO showed up and did guess what?

Make the lives of his GUANOHEADS pure HE** and made them love it. So since GUANO and the GUANOHEADS have been roasting over their own spits over the fire GUANO keeps stoking what would be the worst punishment you can think for them to forever live in their own HE**?

I know. Being surrounded by people of color who value honor honesty Democracy. Having them take turns LECTURING on the evils of GUANOHOOD AND GUANOHEADS who fell for it. Listing all the LIES and all the CRIMES and all the INSULTS and all the ASSAULTS over and over and over and over and over ad infinitum through eternity and whatever comes after that.

Now the people LECTURING wouldn't actually BE there in person. They'd be "piped" in through the magic of electronics. There would be no muting or shutting off.

As the GUANO and his HEADS roast on that spit over open fires they would hear the voices of MAXINE WATERS and AOC and JOE BIDEN and BARACK OBAMA and MAYA ANGELOU and MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. and and and and 24/7 nonstop through eternity.

It might drive them insane if they already weren't. No way to turn it off. NO EXIT (apologies to Jean Paul Sartre). They would be mute silent quiet. No way for them to speak or be heard. ONLY to listen. Pretty nifty don'tcha think?

Posted - July 18, 2021
