Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» The QANON SHAMAN is sick in the head suffering from a "variety of mental illnesses". Don't all QANONS suffer the same? All nutjob crackpots?
I think so. It's murky but someone somewhere floated the idea. You've heard about THE DEEP STATE which is what crackpots believe is the foundation of our government. It is the "deep state" shadow government that perpetrated what GUANO calls is a fraud. He insists he won the election. His millions of GUANOHEADS believe him and believe the election was "stolen". So encouraging the nutjob crackpots and cosnpiracy theory loons they all have come out of the woodwork and are now in government in America taking over everything. I'm not joking or being figurative about any of these. QANONS are planning to run for school boards and other local offices to start infiltrating all systems of education. The GUANOHEADS vote them in and support them. I wish I were joking because it is an ABOMINATION in our nation and I don't know how to stop it! Thank you for your reply! :)