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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » One of the cops said he was more terrified of the violent insurrectionists on January 6 than he was of "the enemy" he fought in Iraq. WHY?

One of the cops said he was more terrified of the violent insurrectionists on January 6 than he was of "the enemy" he fought in Iraq. WHY?

Because we are used to foreigners attacking us and wanting to kill us.

But your own kind? Your own ilk? Your own country's citizens?

That is a terror no one should have to face and yet we all face it from the GUANO weaponized mad dog insurrectionists. How does it feel?

Not only the mad dog crackpot insurrectionists but all those who support them. THE ENEMY is us.

Oh well. Another day at the office. So what's new?

Posted - July 28, 2021


  • 1817
    sounds like he's trying to get SJW points from the liberals that hate him and the system of racism he supports
      July 28, 2021 6:38 AM MDT

  • 35079
    Political theatre....designed to give the Dems something to run on in 2022 and 2024. 

    If it were truly finding out what happened, then there would questions such as:

    Why were officers taking selfies with protesters?

    Why were protesters told they could assemble in the Captiol as long as they were peaceful? 

    Why did Capitol police move a gate for protesters?

    Why did a officer wave people forward from outside the capitol? 

    Who had the power to unlock the magnetically locked doors to left protesters inside? (This door could only be unlocked from the inside)

    Why would protesters be entering through the roped aisle? Like they were being lead somewhere? 

    Which officers held the doots open for the protesters?
    Are there different rules for using your firearm in the Capitol?

    Why was an unarmed woman shot, what direct deadly threat was she at the time? 

    Why were media allowed inside to have protesters pose for pictures inside the Capitol? 

    Who declined to use the NG, 3 separate times? This post was edited by my2cents at July 28, 2021 6:45 AM MDT
      July 28, 2021 6:40 AM MDT

  • 11428
    Well some of the Capital cops said they were tortured so maybe the rioters tortured the cops untill they agreed to take selfies with the rioters to make it look peaceful and loving. Acually there will be questions asked like why were you busy taking selfies while140 other cops were being beat. Cheers!
      July 28, 2021 8:44 AM MDT

  • 113301
      July 28, 2021 8:48 AM MDT

  • 35079
    IF that is the case we would be seeing those tortured selfies takers testify soon...... I would not hold my breath if I were you. 
      July 28, 2021 1:38 PM MDT

  • 11428
    Well the DOJ has said that they are not going to shield people from having to testiny so those cops will likely be called and held accountable for not doing their duty.  Cheers!
      July 28, 2021 5:28 PM MDT