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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » All the voting laws the DRAMA QUEEN GUANOHEADS are fast passing are completely and totally unnecessary! KNOW WHAT WOULD HAVE BEEN BETTER?

All the voting laws the DRAMA QUEEN GUANOHEADS are fast passing are completely and totally unnecessary! KNOW WHAT WOULD HAVE BEEN BETTER?

Do nothing. Say nothing. Let everyone vote.

Then control the counting and the reporting. Really stupid dumb to bring so much attention to this. Really stupid dumb.

They couldda let everything die down and controlled the outcome WITHOUT sturm un drang!

But NO they had to grandstand and make a big show out of "voting rights purification"! Stupid dumbs now have a big problem on their hands. A problem that would have been AVOIDED had they only just shut the f up and let things take their course and swoop in at the end and do what they wanted to do.

So why didn't they? Oh. Right. STUPIDS DUMBS can't think things out and come to a conclusion of resolution.

Right. I forgot..

Posted - August 1, 2021
