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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Rafting companies are getting more customers despite the drought. SAVOIR FAIRE? "Let's go rafting"! In these times they do that? OY VEY?

Rafting companies are getting more customers despite the drought. SAVOIR FAIRE? "Let's go rafting"! In these times they do that? OY VEY?


Knowledge of just what to do in any situation; tact
Knowing how to do


The proper response to any crisis? "LET'S GO RAFTING"! WHO KNEW?

Posted - August 5, 2021


  • 10799
    What are they rafting on, bare rocks?  The rivers are nearly dry (and it's only the beginning of August).   It would be more accurate if they said, "Let's go see what's left of the environment we're destroying.

    We have another fire here - the River fire.  and it's WAY too close for comfort! (roughly 17 miles to the south-southeast).  It went from a spot fire just after 2 pm, to 1,2000 acres by 5 pm.  Mass evacuations yesterday clogged local highways (we only have 3 and the fire is burning through one of them).  I live well away from any of the evacuation zones.   Numerous evacuation sites have opened up in and around town.  The  fairgrounds down the street from me is an evacuation center for large animals.  It is utterly terrifying to a massive smoke plume suddenly overtake what were seconds earlier clear blue skies.  From my house, the entire eastern sky was black with some areas of red, rising from a massive smoke plume in the southeast.  They were flying in the BIG tankers (c-130s) from Mather well after sunset (the normal cease operations time for fire planes).  This entire area has smelled like wet ashes since 11:30 last night.  It gets better.  ALL the smoke from the massive Dixie fire is expected to overrun this area by this afternoon/evening... and stay through at least Friday night... with winds!    
      August 5, 2021 11:26 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Gosh Shuhak this is a repeat of last year for you. Only maybe it will be worse though it's hard to see how destroying an entire town relatively close to you could be worse. This is going to wreak havoc with people's lungs. Not that I have to tell you that. How much crapped up air can a human take without having his/her lungs crapped up permanently? Are you advised to do anything special inside the house? You said your place is SEALED UP and your 3 air purifiers running. Do you spray Lysol or something inside your place? I have  no idea if doing that would in any way mitigate the danger of smoke inhalation though. I shall ask. Maybe someone will know the answer to that. Once again I wish you CLEAN AIR and soon. I'll Google that new fire. I just heard that the Dixie fire is now the size of Los Angeles...over 300,000 acres burned. This is a very bad horror movie. Except well it isn't a movie. :( This post was edited by RosieG at August 6, 2021 1:30 PM MDT
      August 6, 2021 12:43 PM MDT

  • 10799
    Some of that 300,000 acres is floating outside my window.  No, no... no lysol.  That would make things worse (added pollution).  The only advise they have is stay inside and run a filter if you have one.  I'm noticing that the smell of smoke is getting stronger in here despite the purifiers.  If t gets too bad I can put on a N95 mask, but my cats can't.
    A bad movie where the credits never seem to roll... just one sequel after another.
      August 6, 2021 1:08 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I guess I figger a spray of Lysol can kill germs. i expect air freshener is out of the question too, right? There's the Dixie Fire the River fire there was or still is a tamarack fire. Some nightmare scenario a horror story writer dreamed up. How often do you have to leave your home? For groceries or errands or whatever? I expect that is when you'd get hit with the worst of it safety wise. What about sleeping at night Shuhak. Do you worry that another fire will break out somewhere that you should know about? Or do they have a town bell or warning siren or something to let you know if danger is approaching? It seems to me that every town should have something like that. Take care. CLEAN AIR. Thank you for your reply Shuhak This post was edited by RosieG at August 6, 2021 1:51 PM MDT
      August 6, 2021 1:19 PM MDT

  • 10799
    No air freshener either.  BAD!!!
    There are so many fires their names are a blur.  Worry about a fire?  I'm petrified by the thought!!!  I live just above the dip between two hills.  (a "V").  cars love to speed through here (they say hitting the dip from the top of the hill is like going down a rollercoaster).  Each time a car hits the dip (over 30 mph), they drag bottom (creating deep gouges in eh pavement).  Each drag creates sparks.  The side of the road there is dry grass (mowed, but still...) abutting a wooded area.  Hearing that loud "scrape" at night makes your heart jump.  Is this "scrape" the one that ignites the grass???
    I'm not in town, but on the outskirts.  While there is an emergency horn downtown atop city hall (an it's really loud), most fires will start outside of town where it can't be heard.  They put a Hi-Lo siren on all emergency vehicles earlier this year.  If we ever hear that, we're to get out immediately!!  Of course, as both the Camp and River fires showed, if a fire comes there's no way out of here.  When the river fire started, they immediately evacuated the area around it.  While to the people who live here, things may seem far apart (due to how the roads work), they're actually a whole lot closer than we think.  The fire shut down one of the 3 roads out of here.  The evacuating people were scrambling up back roads to get to the nearest main road.  It has heavy traffic on a good day,so when the panicving evacuation people tried to pull onto the road (many hauling horse trailers), numerous wrecks ensued.  There were so many the highway patrol finally said just shove them to the side of the road.  
      August 6, 2021 2:32 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Oh LORDY Shuhak. So over your head hangs a SWORD OF DAMOCLES as it were...FIRE sirened to warn you to GET OUT? Might you ever consider moving away from there? I just asked a question about being attached to where you are (I am) due to many good memories. Is all of you where you live now memorywise and otherwise? Most all of me is here in California so it would be a great hardship to move. Jim would have an easier time of it. He is much more flexible than I am and less sentimental. Of course I don't know what lies ahead but for right now the last thing I can imagine me doing is moving! You too? Thank you for your reply m'dear! :) This post was edited by RosieG at August 7, 2021 10:11 AM MDT
      August 7, 2021 5:13 AM MDT

  • 10799
    I don't have the money to leave.  Besides, where would I go?  Fires consume the west, while tornadoes, extreme cold and hurricanes consume the east.  And drought continues to inch its way across the country.
    Yes, all of me is here.  I'm now living in my childhood home.  
      August 7, 2021 10:14 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I know what you mean. That's why we RENT in Hemet. But Jim lived lots of years in northern California before he moved south and I've lived most of life in southern California so leaving the state would be really hard for us. But leaving this place? No problem. But like you where would we go that wouldn't be as expensive or more so? Our landlord is a pretty good guy so who knows what we would get? So we stay and pray. What else can we do? Well that is to say what else can we do that would be feasible reasonable logical? Thank you for your reply! :) This post was edited by RosieG at August 7, 2021 11:17 AM MDT
      August 7, 2021 11:15 AM MDT