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Very little if anything to do with whom we are is of our own making. We are the result of DNA, experiences and other people. YEP/NOPE?

Posted - August 8, 2021


  • 10799

    We are  not simply the result of a moment of passion between two people.  While their DNA combined to make ours, that combination is unique to only us.  Life is nothing but the memory of past experiences.  Since "now" happens so fast, it's already history before we even realize it happened.  Therefore were always operating om memory.  You didn't learn to how to read just to read this, rather you relied on a memory of a past experience (when you learned how to read).   You don't have to learn how to walk each time you take a step.  You Simply recall a memory of how to walk.  The memory is so ingrained that you don't even think about it.  Yet before that memory was formed you couldn't walk.

    From The moment we "pop out of mom" we begin to have experiences.  While some of these experiences may be common to other people, each of us views them through our own unique lens (point of view). Each experience is unique to us - how we view it, how we react to it.  That's called learning.   Since we are always having experiences (each moment is a new experience to us), we are the result of how we react, reacted or didn't react to our experiences COMBINED with our DNA (physical/mental abilities, traits, and such).
      August 8, 2021 1:33 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Apologies for what is coming next. I have no idea what you are talking about. It sounds like REINCARNATION and I thought that was anti-BIBLE. How can you have a memory without having existed before? Now do you believe in reincarnation Shuhak? If so I am shocked. I cannot relate to anything you have written UNLESS IT IS BASED ON LIVING PAST LIVES. IS IT? Now I am OPEN to it being a possibility. That would explain GENIUS. But churchgoers are not supposed to believe in it. So maybe you can clarify your position. Thank you for your reply. As far as I know this is my one life. However I shall share with you a huge curiosity. The first time I saw a photo of the Erechtheum on the Acroplis of Athens...especially the Porch of the Carytids I got shivers and gooesbumps. I felt/saw my being there when it was being constructed. It was completed in 407 B.C. Now why would I feel that? I have no idea. It's the only time that has ever happened to me. I have a book..gifted to me by an Armenian who lived in Greece..."A Concise Guide to the Acropolis of Athens". The inscription is dated July 1955. Can you explain it because I cannot. :(. This post was edited by RosieG at August 9, 2021 10:31 AM MDT
      August 9, 2021 5:01 AM MDT

  • 10799
    No, no, no.. that's not what  I was getting at.  There is no such thing as reincarnation.  It's just hogwash some fool thought up long ago that people bought (just like that fat orange idiots' lies).  Let me see if I can clarify a bit...  

    Every moment of our lives - beginning to end - is an experience.  We experience it.  Does that make sense?  To us, it is always "now".  Never a moment ago, never the next moment, only "now".  Therefore, everything we experience, is in the "now".  Everything before "now" is in the past.  Think of it like looking out a window on a fast moving train.  The window represents "now".  Only what we can see through that window at any given moment is "now".  Say we see a tree through that window.  Before the tree came into view through the window, we could say it was in the "future" (not yet visible in the window), and after we saw it, we could say it was in the "past" (no longer visible in the window). 

    Are you with me so far?   

    We learned to read long ago.  For example, with me that was when I was 3-5 years old (I experienced it).  Before that, I didn't know how to read (you might say that I hadn't yet experienced the teaching of how to read).  To me, words were nothing but scribbles. 
    Now here I am over half a century later, and I'm still able to read.  I don't have to relearn how to read each time I want to read something, because I already learned how to read way back then.  But that was then, not "now" (this moment).  Therefore, knowing how to read is in my memory.   Don't think of memory as only recalling incidents that happened (like: I remember making cookies with my mom).  Everything that goes into our brain that we can recall is technically a memory (riding a bike, being polite, driving a car).

    Still with me?

    Since it's always "now" to us, everything we experience in the "now" quickly moves into the past (remember that train window).  As long as we're alive, "now" never stops moving.  That makes everything we experience in life a memory, because it can't stay in "now" (like that train window").  Although it doesn't seem like it to us, our life (how we do things,how we react) is all based on memory.

    Have I completely lost you?  
      August 9, 2021 11:46 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Yes you did and it isn't the first time. I take complete blame for that. All you can do is TRY to reach me. Now. We are told we create our own reality. Do you agree or is our reality what it is without our having any say in it? We can never live in tomorrow but we can live in yesterday. We can relive what we have experienced providing we can remember it accurately. We can't remember what we have not yet experienced and there is no living in tomorrow...TOMORROW NEVER COMES. Perhaps life is a giant holodeck and what we create is unique to that of others. I don't know how "real" any of it is frankly. A butterfly dreaming we are human? If we were faced with the reality of existence could we handle it? I don't know. What I do know is what I think how I feel what I believe and what I choose to do or not do. I try to use every bit of me as much as I can. To do less than that would be cheating myself. But how do I know what is REAL? I can't know what I don't know can I. So I simply go with what I perceive and speak to that. If I'm wrong it's because knowing was beyond my grasp. Did I lose you or do you understand completely? Anyway chatting with you is always enjoyable and that's how I spend my time. Doing what pleases me. Lucky me! Thank you for your reply Shuhak. Top of my mind is what's going on air wise where you are today? More of the same or worse? Last I heard the DIXIE fire is the second largest in California history. Perhaps now it is the largest. I hope not! :(
      August 10, 2021 4:33 AM MDT

  • 10799
    You got it! -  "We can never live in tomorrow but we can live in yesterday (via memory). We can relive what we have experienced providing we can remember it accurately. We can't remember what we have not yet experienced and there is no living in tomorrow...TOMORROW NEVER COMES. 

    I do understand.

    Yesterday the air cleared enough that I was able to open my house up.  AQI was below 100.  The skies were still a milky blue, and there were occasional bouts of ground smoke.  I kept the house open all night (to get in some cool air), but it must have gotten bad around 3 as that's when I woke up coughing.  Today the sky is completely white, there's a smokey haze and it smells bad of smoke.  But the AQI is 67.  
      August 10, 2021 1:55 PM MDT

  • 113301
    So you got a break a breather a respite for awhile. I guess that's better than getting one but waking up coughing due to smoky air AGAIN? Will you you be able to get off that merry-go-round or are you stuck there? Thank you for your reply. I wonder what causes that small window of clear and clean? High winds? Bad for fires of course but good for clearing the air. Another two-edged sword/landmine. Aren't there more now than there were before?
      August 12, 2021 4:11 AM MDT

  • 10799
    The sky's still a solid white overcast, visibility is less than 10 miles, and the smell of smoke is still there.  However, it's better than nothing.  Bring the cool air in at night and run the purifiers during the day.

    Air flow is what causes some days tobe better than others.  With the fires to our north, a southerly flow pushes the smoke away, while a northerly one brings it in.   Airflow is winds at different altitudes in the atmosphere (think of the atmosphere like an onion, the rings being different layers of air).  It may be calm at the surface, but higher in the atmosphere a wind is blowing (even if it its a very light one).  This is why clouds move even on a calm day.  
      August 12, 2021 1:08 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Forgive me for this if it's a stupid question. Is there any way to ACCELERATE air flow or to CREATE it? I mean if we could at will do something like that wouldn't it be a handy tool? Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :)
      August 13, 2021 4:06 AM MDT

  • 10799
    No.  For one thing it'd be impossible to build a fan big enough (earth's rather large) or have a way to power such a fan. 
      August 13, 2021 7:44 PM MDT

  • 113301
    So millions of fans scattered worldwide? Battery operated? I wondered if Nikolai Tesla or someone of his great intelligence and creativity could have figured out something like that? What can conceive man can achieve? Or Leonardo da Vinci? I mean some of these folks "saw" ways to achieve what seemed to be magic. HOw many power agents are there?  Maybe prevailing winds could be an energy source? Or we could harness energy from tornadoes or hurricanes? I'm reaching for I don't know what but I think you get the gist. I  shall ask. Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :)
      August 14, 2021 2:38 AM MDT

  • 10799

    No.  Earth atmosphere isn't simply localized, it's globally interconnected.  "Messing with" even one small section can have serious repercussions elsewhere (as we’re seeing with global warming).

    Unfortunately, we can't harness the energy from tornadoes or hurricanes.  The unpredictability of these phenomena (size, strength and location) makes it impossible. 

    Tesla thought about harnessing lightning.  After all, an average lightning bolt contains 1 billion joules of energy!  But, alas, that too isn’t feasible, as physics won’t allow it. 

      August 14, 2021 11:52 AM MDT

  • 113301
    How much more would TESLA have contributed had he lived longer? I saw a documentary about him and after his death apparently there were something 80 BOXES of drawings and sketches and plans. They were shipped somewhere and guess how many arrived? I foreget exactly but I think it was in th 60's. What happened to those other boxes? What was in there? Thank you for your reply Shuhak. I'm gonna GOOGLE TESLA.
      August 17, 2021 6:27 AM MDT