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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Almost daily we are being inundated with more and more "BOMBSHELLS" with regard to the extent of the vile attempts GUANO tried. Surprised?

Almost daily we are being inundated with more and more "BOMBSHELLS" with regard to the extent of the vile attempts GUANO tried. Surprised?

No one is surprised at the extent or depth or breadth or height or width of the vile. No one.

They keep coming. Endless relentless. Will the bombshells ever end or are they infinite? Is there a bottom to the GUANO degradation of our nation? Or do we keep going down down down down down?

Posted - August 12, 2021


  • 11425
    Yep the bomb shells keep coming  out but only because Trump  Is no longer in power so he  can't cover them up. I can't see the the bombshells being infinite because he was only in power for 4 years so at the most there would only be 1460 bombshells ( if he only did one corrupt  thing per day which is likley because he is lazy and doing 2 corrupt things a day would be too much work for him). Anyway yesturday Trump went on and on about how the cop that shot the rioter is a murderer the cop is not the murderer Trump is because he likley got a lot of people killed in his war against democracy. I just read that the rioters did  500 million dollars worth of damage to the Capital building that sure dosn't sound like a peacefull and loving gathering to me. Cheers!
      August 12, 2021 10:46 AM MDT

  • 113301
    You  know what I hope Nanoose?. That you and me and others of our ilk are not "taken over" by mind worms that change us into the ZOMBIES who adoringly worship GUANO. Do we wear tinfoil hats? Do we carry around a baby blimp? Do we wear amulets to protect us? What can we do COACH? Where did we go wrong and how in the he** do we fix it? Thank you for your reply Nanoose! :)
      August 12, 2021 11:19 AM MDT