Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Florid gubnurr Snata Claws warned Florids of the Tropical Storm FRED. Why? He's worrying about their lives? What kinda crap is that?
Although I don't believe it's anything to laugh about, the phrase, "tropical storm Fred" sounds as though there should be a joke attached to it. Tropical storm Fred walks into a bar ...
I agree. I asked a question about the boringness of Fred. Why not Freddy or Federico...something with jazzy pizazz.
So this gubnur wants folks to prepare for FRED but vaccine wise and maskwise he doesn't care how many go dead? How does that compute? Thank you for your reply L and Happy Friday to thee and thine! :)
ECHO CHAMBER? Thank you for your reply L. I just wonder how many Florida parents adore snata claws or despise him? He is a ticket alright...to nutland! :)
I think 72 million the first time and 76 million the second time so they are all dumb as mud. I wish they'd move elsewhere and stupid dumb in another country or some far-off island like BALI HAI or ATLANTIS? I know you get my drift! :)