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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » 200 ventilators and 100 nasal thingies were sent to Florid by the Federal Gubment. Florid guv snata claws said he knows nothing. HONEST?

200 ventilators and 100 nasal thingies were sent to Florid by the Federal Gubment. Florid guv snata claws said he knows nothing. HONEST?

Posted - August 12, 2021


  • 11425
    Well if you have $325 and you want to know the story about what snata claws really knows about the 200 ventilators and 100 nasal thingies you could go to the Cameo website and ask Rudy Giulani. Rudy just joined  Cameo which is a website that allows celebrites to sell personalized  videos and birthday greetings to their fans. Rudy will tell you a story or wish you a happy birthday for $325 and I think it is hilarious and pathetic at the same time. He was the mayor of New York he was the top lawyer for a Presedent and now he is selling birthday greetings. Cheers!

      August 12, 2021 11:56 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Okay m'dear. I KNOW you have a solid wicked (that's a very good thing) sense of humor but this is too much! A bridge too far. It strains credulity that anyone is that STUPID DUMB to spend $325 for that piece of dung. I mean really Nanoose no one is that much a nutjob crackpot idiot.  Wait. You mean you are NOT joking? You mean the pathetic corrupt loser is actually doing that? I know GUANO threw him under the bus financially. That is a given. But this? Oh lordy. Well how much do you think he'll make off it? Billions? Millions? Ten Cents? Thank you for your informative and hilarious (not really) reply. I appreciate the information. What I'm going to do with is yet to be determined. Some things I just can't "get my head around". This might be one of them! :)
      August 13, 2021 1:36 AM MDT

  • 11425
    I really don't think he will make much money but I am hoping he will say things that will incriminate himself and Trump. I got a feeling when Trump hears about it he will join the Cameo website. Cheers!
      August 13, 2021 8:24 AM MDT

  • 113301
    But Nanoose he has at least 76 million adoring worshippers who voted for him in 2020. MORE THAN IN 2016 when he only got 72 million votes. They are all gonna send him big money so he can live in the lifestyle he wants. They will never abandon him. They are all easy. I really think you may be wrong about this. Now how often have I EVER SAID THAT TO YOU? But well maybe you aren't. I guess we'll find out and anyway he can collect big bucks in prison can't he? All his adoring worshippers will write him and enclose a check or cash. I'm sorta joking but mostly I'm serious! Thank you for your reply! :)
      August 13, 2021 8:28 AM MDT

  • 6023
    Not sure how the feds sent them.

    It would be most efficient to send the items directly to the healthcare facilities, which would mean the Governor likely wouldn't know much about it.

    However, we all know the government seldom follows the most efficient path.

    Of course, even if the feds did work with the Florida health department ... it's possible that the head of the department saw no need to tell the Governor the details.  After all, the Governor wouldn't normally be involved in something like deciding which supplies go to what facility - even in an emergency.
      August 12, 2021 2:56 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Not that I doubt you at all m'dear but if what you say is true then snata claws is a really lousy gubner. If you were a guv and your state was in DIRE NEED OF ANYTHING wouldn't you be right on top of it? Right now that is the most important thing vis a vis FLORIDA. I just don't grasp how it is possible that the guv wouldn't be SPEARHEADING getting what his medical facilities need. Can you? I shall ask. Thank you for your reply Walt! :)
      August 13, 2021 1:39 AM MDT