Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "US probing MODERNA vaccine for higher for causing a higher rate of a rare heart condition in younger adults than previously thought. UH-OH?

"US probing MODERNA vaccine for higher for causing a higher rate of a rare heart condition in younger adults than previously thought. UH-OH?

The result of fast-tracking the vaccines? Not enough time was given to testing?

Analogies are never perfect but here's one.

You get pregnant and decide you want the baby delivered sooner so at 4 months you "give birth". Now what are the chances that baby will survive or if survival occurs what happens later on during the development stages?

Things take time for a reason. Short-sheeting for convenience is not very smart. Whatever.

Posted - August 20, 2021


  • 523
    I am not an anti-vaxxer, but I am against this one. It didn't have human trials, it's not FDA approved - only approved for emergency use. The vaccines I have taken were developed and studied for years, if not decades. before approved for general use. Even with the vaccine, you are capable of getting and spreading the virus, so, what's the point? You won't get as sick if you have the vaccine? NOPE! I have several family members and several friends who had the virus and not the vaccine, they all said it was no worse than having a bad cold for a couple of days. These people range in age from 8 to close to 70 and several have underlying health issues to begin with. Thousands die from the regular flu every year, the only reason more have died from this is due to it being more contagious. There have been over 6,000 deaths linked to the vaccine, there have been many, many vaccinated people who have died from the virus. 
    Vaccines normally work by introducing a weakened amount of a specific virus into the blood stream that your immune system can easily fight off and build antibodies for future protection. mRNA vaccines (Covid shot) do not do this. They give our bodies instructions for our cells to make a piece of 'spike protein' that they claim will protect you if you actually catch the virus. I, personally, do not trust any new drug that hits the market. Every time I see a new one advertised, about 2 or 3 years later you start seeing commercials for class action lawsuits aimed at that new medication. 
    Years ago I was prescribed Lisinopril due to having Type II Diabetes, it is supposed to protect the kidneys of diabetic patients. I had to stop taking it because it made my heart race and my chest hurt. One of the side effects of the covid shot is a racing heart and hart problems in general, which, is another reason I'm leery of this shot. 
    Like I said, I am not against vaccines, I take a flu shot every year and got my kids vaccinated when they were young, but, those were all tested and approved after lengthy trials and are all FDA approved. I'd be more than willing to take the covid shot after the human experimental phase is over and it's found to be safe and effective. People are saying, "But I've had no side effects, I'm just fine and dandy." Well, get back to me in 2 to 3 years and tell me the same because not all side effects are instantaneous and can take years to appear. I believe most vaccines are good for at least 10 or more years, with this one, they are saying boosters are needed every 6 months or so. If nothing else, that makes me more suspicious of it. 
    I'm not saying that those who did take it are stupid or sheep, I'm just saying why I don't want it.  Sorry for the long post, just really need to get this out of my system.

      August 20, 2021 7:21 AM MDT

  • 113301

    Thank you for your very helpful and informative response glenho. I was involved in an FDA study for calcitonin years ago to prevent or delay the onset of osteoporosis. It was a double blind study. Some of us received placebos and some the Calcitonin. The STAGE in which I was involved was STAGE THREE which took TWO YEARS! I believe the entire study took ten years before it went to market. Early on I kept saying this to anyone who would listen here about the fast track GUANO demand. Well the cows are coming home to roost as it were. More such anomalies will be discovered with more testing. NORMALLY the testing occurs BEFORE release to the public. So now we sit tight buckle up and find out the consequences. :) I mean what else do we have to worry about right? Meanwhile "they" are now pushing Regeneron...an antibody something or another GUARANTEED to keep you out of the hospital and away from ventilators. AARRGGHH.


    This post was edited by RosieG at August 20, 2021 8:22 AM MDT
      August 20, 2021 8:21 AM MDT

  • 523
    I did have a friend who did a Hep C study. Whatever they did cured her. I have done a few medical studies and the most daring thing I took was an experimental flu shot. It was the same as the normal one except it had three strains of the flu virus as opposed to just two like all the others. It had already had some human testing, this was the final stage, like yours. Very glad that turned out ok for you. This post was edited by glenho at August 20, 2021 8:29 AM MDT
      August 20, 2021 8:28 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Ditto right backatacha m'dear! So you understand thoroughly and totally about the "speed" with which it was pushed through. Frantic competition 24/7 for months under the gun. Time is of the essence. Get vaccines here STAT on the double OR ELSE. Okay. Done. Now we wait for what happens next. The experts don't know and don't have a clue. So we're all in the same boat. Sheesh! :(
      August 20, 2021 8:30 AM MDT