Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "MAJOR CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING RING BUST AT STURGIS RALLY. 9 charged in elaborate multi-agency STING targeting online predators." SO?

"MAJOR CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING RING BUST AT STURGIS RALLY. 9 charged in elaborate multi-agency STING targeting online predators." SO?

Don't you see the delicious irony of it all? The GUANO QANONS have talked about a deep state child sex trafficking ring. Admitting their own predilection for raping children only they didn't tell us they were talking about themselves.

Anyway there ya go. That's the STURGIS GUANOHEAD DRAW. Wealthy perverted depraved dirty old white men go to have a fling with little kids. Sexwise. Quite a feather in the GUANO cap isn't it? Sheesh. I am not surprised. It goes with the territory GUANO carved out. for himself.

Posted - August 21, 2021


  • 35077
    Glad they got them. And hope they get everyone involved. Throw them in prison for a long time.

    Sadly, this type of abuse goes on anytime their is a huge gathering of people.  Super Bowl, World Series, Olympics, poltical conventions, etc. 

    Perverts are everywhere and the abusers will follow the money. 
      August 21, 2021 4:37 AM MDT