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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Is it SUNLIGHT and/or WATER than extinguishes vampires? Is it TRUTH and JUSTICE that extincts evildoers?

Is it SUNLIGHT and/or WATER than extinguishes vampires? Is it TRUTH and JUSTICE that extincts evildoers?

Posted - August 26, 2021


  • 10799
    That would be sunlight.

    It's superheros (Superman, BAtman) who extinct evildoers.

    There's no such thing as either one.
      August 26, 2021 12:31 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Vampires and superheroes? SAY IT AIN'T SO JOE! I disagree. SERGEANT YORK was an American superhero. So was Audie Murphy. So was John McCain. So was John Lewis and every other person who fought the good fight for right! No superheroes? I hope you don't mean that. As for vampires? I'm not so sure about that. Some suck the blood and life out of others. Not with fangs but with EVIL deeds. Maybe not all vampires follow the same MO. I don't know. I do know that evil seems to be winning since the hatching of GUANO. Do I know that for a fact and have proof? No I don't. But it's what I sincerely believe. What do you sincerely believe Shuhak? I think that SATAN sent us GUANo to do exactly what he did. EVIL resides in him. There is no good. That Americans are turning to worship evil devil satan GUANO is shockingly sad.  "We shall overcome" used to be a belief.  I'm no longer sure of that with hundreds of millions/billions of homo saps embracing supporting getting off on evil. I hope I'm wrong. Thank you for your reply! :)
      August 26, 2021 1:06 PM MDT

  • 10799
    Ok, there are "vampires" who stroll the halls of hospitals at night.  They wait until a "victim" just barely drifts off to sleep, then they wake them up and suck out their blood.  Why, they even push around a cart where they  store any "excess" blood so they can feast on it later (probably in some dark corner of the basement or stairwell).

    Superheros are fictional.  Heros are people.  They're not "super", simply ordinary people doing what they think needs done at the time.  

    Satan didn't send dipwad, rather he used him.  Satan used the man's already present callous narcissistic egotism to advance his agenda of hatred.  We can't blame satan for what dipwad did.  he is completely responsible for ALL his actions.
      August 26, 2021 2:33 PM MDT

  • 113301
    No disrespect intended m'dear but how do you KNOW? All of the above is your OPINION to which you are entitled of course. But how do you KNOW that what you say is true? Your certitude is staggering. I'm not talking about the vampire bit. GOD sends. I think satan/devil sends too. Why do you think evil isn't represented and controlling and devious and deceitful and duplicitous? I think GUANO is the spawn of the devil satan. I do. I believe satan/devil exists and works overtime destroying all that is good. My opinion and also my belief to which I have as much right as you do. Right? Now there cannot be a mediator here to declare a winner The only worthy one is GOD and I believe HE is far too busy to waste time on us. You will believe what you believe and I will believe what I believe. What's important is WHAT DO WE BELIEVE? Jointly not severally. I don't tell you WHAT IS and you don't tell me. We figure it out TOGETHER. At least methinks that's the only way to arrive at truth. Jointly together not severally at odds with each other. Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :)
      August 27, 2021 4:12 AM MDT