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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Fire destroyed PARADISE, California a few years ago. Currently threatened by the Caldor fire and possibly evacuating?

Fire destroyed PARADISE, California a few years ago. Currently threatened by the Caldor fire and possibly evacuating?

Christmas Valley, California.

I don't make this stuff up folks. I just report it.

Posted - August 27, 2021


  • 10799
    The significance of this is that Christmas Valley considers itself part of the Tahoe Basin.   The very thought that this wildfire will make it over the crest and into South Tahoe is terrifying.  There are a lot of people and houses up there.  However, it's looking more and more likely each day that it'll get VERY close.  A northerly flow today through Sunday is only further drying out vegetation.   Strong southerly winds next week may drive this fire at alarming speeds.

    It's hard to fathom green trees bursting into flame.  However, during our recent fire I watched a perfectly green, well-watered bush turn to smoke and ash in less than a minute.  Unreal! 
      August 27, 2021 2:42 PM MDT

  • 113301
    You are reporting "from the front" so to speak m'dear for which I thank you. Where was that tree in relation to your home Shuhak? That is the scariest thing you've told me yet. Within view of your home or when you were out and about doing errands? This is way not good. Just learned today about the Epsilon variant. Just what we need at this time. Yet the millions who are defiantly unfaxed don't give a rat's a** who lives or dies so we carry on as best we can shaking our heads at all of them. Maybe someday it will make sense. Right now? No hope of it. Thank you for your helpful and informative reply. It's appreciated though so very sad. :(
      August 27, 2021 4:13 PM MDT

  • 10799
    More "up front" than I care to be.  We had a large wildfire go through the eastern part of town Wednesday.  I was glued to Facebook, Flightradar24, as well as the county evacuation site (occasionally checking on the huge column of smoke out the back door).  Our local newspaper reporter was out covering the fire live, broadcasting it on facebook.  The bush was in front of him as he was showing the fire take out a line of cars by a warehouse.  The fire crawled up and took out the bush.
      August 27, 2021 6:46 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I grew up doing the sign of the cross with respect to how we pray. I'm doing it more and more every day in the quiet of the night when I wake up. It comforts me momentarily. I don't know why I mention that except I know you will understand what I mean. I expect everywhere will get worse. Fires pandemic terrorist(foreign and domestic) drought extremes of heat. I don't know what the EPSILON variant will do or how many other mutations/variants are out there just waiting their turn to show up. Then FLU season is nearing so with shots and booster shots and more variants we will be having a lot to deal with. I think of you daily as I do my sister fearing that your experiences will get worse. Her skies in Carson City are all crapped up and she said if Tahoe homes start burning it will be such a disaster. Freedom is good but so is being alive. When I weigh the two the balance always goes to life. I cannot understand why everyone doesn't feel that way. Can you? Thank you for your reply Shuhak. You've got a plateful and your hands full just keeping up with what's going on. I pray you don't have to evacuate. Happy Saturday to thee and thine m'dear! :)
      August 28, 2021 1:18 AM MDT