Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » This is not meant to be disrespectful and I could be wrong. I think guys are more easily satisfied by packaging than gals. SAY WHAT?

This is not meant to be disrespectful and I could be wrong. I think guys are more easily satisfied by packaging than gals. SAY WHAT?

I think guys are more open to a roll in the hay with a hot babe idiot than gals are open to a roll in the hay with a handsome hunk idiot. I could be wrong.  Of course that would only be short-term and one-night-stand quality.

I'm pretty sure that long terms guys would prefer a dame with brains common sense with whom they can converse and not be repelled.

Why bring it up at all? Why not?

Posted - August 29, 2021


  • 10797
    Actually, that's true. 

    Speaking primitively, men are more sight driven - will that female be capable of bearing offspring? (her body ratio), while women are more heart driven (long term mate).  Of course, the more attractive the "package" teh more likely to attract a potential mate.  Since an unattractive female won't get much attention, they try to alter their looks to attract that mate. Even today women dress up to attract a males glance - whether they think so or not... even if they are "not in the market".  And men still ogle women - even if they are taken or "past their prime".  However, when an older women ogles younger men, it's perfectly acceptable (she's called a cougar), but when an older man ogles younger women, he's called a pervert.  
      August 29, 2021 1:10 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Who sez a "cougar" is perfectly acceptable? I think they are an embarrassment wanting to bed young men who could easily be their sons or grandsons. On the other hand I betcha GIGOLOS make a bundle of money.  The"Shes" buy them lots of expensive things. He tolerates her flab and wrinkles because he has all he ever wanted. EXPENSIVE THINGS. All he has to do is provide her with sex. She looks foolish pathetic shameful and oh so very NEEDY. He is an opportunist and when she wears out he moves on to the next one. There is no dearth of wealthy needy old women who don't mind buying an "escort" and sex mate. It revolts me bigly. More on the sad old dame because it is the gender to which I belong. But it is a world of filling needs isn't it? If you have the money you can buy anything you want at any time. There are also tons and tons and tons of people out there willing to sell themselves if the price is right. Similarly a drunk man is not a pretty sight. But a woman who is drunk? OH MY GAWD!  DISGUSTING.. A guy who smokes simply stinks. A woman who smokes stinks but also ages more  quickly. Smoking promotes wrinkles. So they go under the knife and then wear scarves to cover up the wrinkles because you can't plastic surgery a neck. The face becomes a mask sans expression emotion. It dares not move for fear it will crack. Thank you for your reply m'dear! :)
      August 30, 2021 4:01 AM MDT

  • 10797
    Society sez.
    Ah, if a man has lots of money, it dont matter is he's 1000.  Milk the old coot for all you can and, if possible, get into his will - then hope he kicks off!
    I totally agree - utterly DISGUSTING!!!!!!!!!!!    Of course, one needs to realize that that the youngers ain't much better.  
      August 30, 2021 1:13 PM MDT

  • 13277
    Seems accurate to me.
      August 29, 2021 1:22 PM MDT