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Would you like to keep learning until you 'know everything'?

Or think you do..? You just keep learning stuff by reading material, videos, lectures, etc  all your life as a hobby and never have to put into practice what you have learned except when you get into discussions then you may be able to add substance to your opinions.

Posted - September 27, 2021


  • 10798
    Heck yes!  I enjoy learning.  Sadly, I'll never know everything (but darn close toit).  Yet like most people, most of what I learn is of no value outside of spicing up conversations.  {Sex makes facial hair grow.  So does thinking about it.}
      September 27, 2021 1:26 PM MDT

  • 10052
    Keep learning, yes. There's no chance I'll ever know everything, thankfully. 

      September 28, 2021 7:56 PM MDT

  • 1817
    yes, my plan is to get a business doctorate and then be a tenured professor at some bougie university where I can say whatever crazy stuff I want and never get fired 
      November 23, 2021 10:11 PM MST

  • 44765
    Nice plan.
      November 24, 2021 7:40 AM MST

  • 3719
    Oh yes, I like to keep learning about anything that interests me - a pretty broad range.

    Though I could never have gone as far as a friend who gained a PhD as a retirement project.
      November 28, 2021 2:49 PM MST