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Where does it say in the Bible that people prayed?

Christian Bible.

Posted - July 3, 2016


  • 46117

    Well first of all, WHY?

    Why do you need to know that?  I am sure I can find a dozen references, but do I want to?  That is a lot of work for me for no reason.   The very essence of the Bible is prayer.   When you pick it up and read the WORD, what is it that one is actually doing?  We happen to be reading messages regarding and relating to the HIGHEST CONSCIOUSNESS we can possess.  We are talking about how people thought about God, when we read any passage in any Bible. 

    Marguerite, Paramahansa Yogananda came to the West, I think, in the 50's when he was early-middle age, I think.  You would like this book a LOT.   It tells of his life and his devotion to the knowledge of Jesus and where Jesus came from.  He has totally embraced the Concept of Christianity and taught Yoga to Christians and everyone, here in America.  He taught Krya Yoga which is meditation more than physical exercises. 

    He changed the spiritual level of Spiritual thought here in America and slowly paved the way for what we all need to embrace, which is the embracing of what is great in all religions, rather than fighting about which is best or which is right.

    1. They thought about God back then in all their moments.  

    2. They were PRESENT.  

    3. They were in the NOW.   This is the chief reason we cannot understand a word of it, nowadays.  We have lost the ability to live in the same mindset that they lived in.    When you shut off the mind (Sai Baba calls it the monkey mind, because it is always leaping from one thought to another distracting us from what is real)

    you are left with something.  That nothing you think you will experience, is actually EVERYTHING.  It is the consciousness minus the delusion of the maya or what we SEE with our 5 lying senses.


    I need to talk to you about this concept.  You are a lover of math and art.  You are the perfect blend to me.   I would love to discuss this idea with you.

    But anyway, the only country that I know of that does this type of lifestyle is India and of course, there are a lot of countries that do this that I am not that aware of because I know very little about them still.   You, however, are great at asking questions about history as well as geography.  It was fun exploring myth with you and I would like to dabble in this idea as well.   The idea of what prayer is?  Of course.  But the idea of WHY prayer is.... THAT IS THE MEAT of the sandwich.

    So, we pray continuously for something always, it is best to keep the mind (the monkey mind) focused on God.

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      July 3, 2016 10:25 AM MDT

  • 2657
      July 3, 2016 10:29 AM MDT

  • 5354

      July 3, 2016 11:56 AM MDT

  • 2657

    Thank you JakobA!

      July 4, 2016 2:39 AM MDT