Discussion»Questions»Environment» In Alaska there are 6 months of light and 6 months of dark, right?. How would the US cope with 48 months of night? Could you?
Countries that have six months of daylight and six months of light have high rates of suicide and alcoholism. I don't know how I would fare under those conditions.
If Trump becomes prez Spunky darkness will descend upon America and all light will be extinguished. It is a scenario that is terrifying. Thank you for your reply and Happy Friday! :)
Someone else has asked the same question on here too.
Why does anyone think the US is headed for a 4-year physical darkness? I can see it is a political metaphor, but the question seems predicated on a real, is highly fanciful, fear of physical, deep darkness lasting for 4 years. Or is it referring to major loss of power supplies - which is not the same thing because you'd still have normal days and nights?
Hello again Durdle. On the other thread, I explained it. This too is a thread made by Rosie, only earlier than the other one. Yes, she is using the term "darkness" as a political metaphor.