Discussion»Questions»Transportation» Instead of confusing your mechanic trying to describe what you think is wrong with your vehicle, would you just tell him take it out for....
I tell them what it sounds/feels like, so they know what to listen/look for. But I also ask them to do a full inspection, and tell me any problems and repair price before authorizing the work.
Last time, the mechanic plugged an electronic gubbins into a socket I'd not known is there, somewhere below the dashboard, and found the fault that way.
It was a fault in the throttle control unit - oh for the days of a Bowden cable; or on three vans I owned years back, mechanical rods and levers from pedal to carburettor. On one van, their joints were badly worn, causing severe lost-motion, so I made and fitted simple brass bushes, and this restored the mechanism to nearly as good as new.