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Discussion » Questions » Family » People who are single and don't have children, do you ever wonder who will take care of you when you get old?

People who are single and don't have children, do you ever wonder who will take care of you when you get old?

I'm forty years old, single and have no children.  The notion of seeking a relationship with a woman who already has kids from a previous relationship does not appeal to me.  My brother and sister also have no children, so once they pass away (and due to known health conditions it's practically guaranteed they'll both pass away before me) it'll just be me.

Sometimes I wonder what I'll do when I get older, and the notion of living independently for as long as I'm able, then committing suicide if and when I'm ever given a terminal diagnosis seems like the best option.  If I were to reach my 70s and end up being diagnosed with Alzheimer's or Organic Heart Disease, I really see no value in spending my winter years in a nursing home run by the county. 

What are your thoughts on this issue, and do you agree with assisted suicide for those who are given diagnoses for chronic and terminal diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and MS?

Posted - July 3, 2016


  • I think that family is those whom we love and those who love us back, irrespective of bloodlines. I don't want to sound preachy, but maybe the answer lies on doing for others, the good we do, is the only thing we leave behind, that really matters.  I think.

    Yes. I support assisted suicide.

      July 3, 2016 12:36 PM MDT

  • 1615

    Bringing children into this world for the sake of taking care of you is wrong and selfish. and if you are expecting that to happen you are mistaken they have there own lives grow up weakling.

      July 3, 2016 1:24 PM MDT

  • Wow, ya those who don't have kids who can maybe help do have lots to think about.  I strongly believe if a person is diagnosed with a terminal illness should have the right to end their life.  I would and I have children but wouldn't want them remembering me being so sick nor would I want to be a burden on them.  I'm with you buddy!

      July 3, 2016 1:28 PM MDT

  • 7939

    Eh, what happens when you age really depends on you and your health. You could be perfectly happy in an assisted living home or you might not ever need one.

    Sometimes, though, I think the most respectful thing to do is to let someone choose when to go on their own terms, in a dignified way. 

      July 3, 2016 3:40 PM MDT

  • 22891

    i dont have anyone to take care of me either, guess a nursing home could be an option

      July 3, 2016 5:55 PM MDT

  • I'm 54, no kids, no friends. My siblings live 2,000 miles away. Yes, the end may be scary. 

      July 3, 2016 9:20 PM MDT

  • 1002

    If it makes you feel better, I actually have a kid and still worry if anyone will care for me. lmao Pretty bad, right?

    I do agree with fully informed, voluntary, assisted suicide.

      July 3, 2016 9:34 PM MDT

  • 46117

    I will take care of me.  Just fine.

      July 3, 2016 9:37 PM MDT