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I keep getting letters in the mail from my insurance company suggesting that I switch to paperless billing, which I did back in 2017.

Due to COVID19, they sent many of their employees to work from home, and they changed from one mail management company to another. Instead of doing everything in house, they’ve contracted it out to a third-party. About once every three or four months now, starting in late 2020, I get another of these form letters from them.

I’ve contacted them many times and asked them to stop sending the letters, stating that I have been on paperless billing for over five years. I have already verified with the insurance company that the paperless status of my account is still in effect, and has been continually since I first requested it.

The insurance company refers me to the contractor, but the contractor doesn’t have a customer service unit, they are just a bunch of drones who produce automated letters and send them out to countless companies that I’ve hired them to handle mail. They just refer me back to the insurance company. Endless cycle of frustration.

Meanwhile, trees keep getting killed unnecessarily. 

What‘s your red tape nightmare?

Posted - February 13, 2022


  • 44765
    I started about 6 years ago when my Yahoo! account got ransomed, and everyone had my email. When I tried to add my wife to my student loan account, I couldn't access it because they had my old Yahoo! email When I tried to change it, I wouldn't allow my gmail, using the same password.
    I talked to and agent (Yes, a real person.) and she gave me a temporary password. It didn't work. She tried it. It still didn't work Since then, I have only been able to fill out paperwork that they must mail to me.
      February 13, 2022 9:04 AM MST

  • 10798
    MOst mailings aren't printed on virgin paper (tree to paper direct), rather on recovered (recycled) paper.  Therefore the "letters" you've been receiving were most likely a newspaper or some junk mail in their "former life".
    You cannot stop these mailings.  They will still be coming when all that's left on earth are cockroaches and Twinkies.

    My red tape nightmare is with Xfinity.  Since the case is still ongoing (meaning I'm still on hold), my attorney has forbidden me to disclose any portion of it. 

    {it should be noted that my so called "attorney" works for fish treats (preferably salmon, but not chicken), and sleeps for 23 hours each day.}
      February 13, 2022 3:05 PM MST

  • 17660
    When it comes to switching to paperless billing,   I say NO every time.   

      February 13, 2022 7:32 PM MST

  • 53693


      Ok, thank you. Oh, by the way, what’s your red tape nightmare?

      February 13, 2022 8:56 PM MST