Large chunks of the IT, telecommunications and financial trades.
Property developers.
Commercial branding consultants - they profit not from the public at large, but from board-room stupidity in large companies.
Amusement-arcades and the gambling trade.
Up-in-price, down-in-value fast-food chains trading on spurious fashion.
In Britain at least, the big chains that run the motorway service-stations, (and the fast-food joints therein!).
The gadgets trade, selling e.g. :-
- so-called "smart" loudspeakers,
- so-called "smart"' 'phones,
- TVs that need complex remote controls to replace a couple of simple switches,
- much of the "electronickery" being built into modern cars,
- 'fridges with built-in 'phones,
- "sleep masks",
- umpteen kitchen, garden and toy items that over the decades, have been pushed hard as the latest "must-have", are a fad for a year or so, then become relegated to the backs of cupboards or garden sheds for ever more...