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Have you ever gone out to a restaurant for a nice quiet dinner and experienced kids from hell that never learned how to behave in public?

You know, running past other tables, yelling, screaming or standing on the seats or turning around to watch you eat the entire time.  Did you ever get to the point where you said something or asked to be moved?  I must admit it did happen to me one time many years ago and I said something.  The kid was screaming the entire time and I'd had enough.   There have been plenty more times when I've asked the waitress to be moved to another table or if she wasn't around, I moved myself.  And often times, the parents just sit there and let their kids run wild, like they're sitting in their own home, oblivious of other people around them.

Posted - November 7, 2016


  • 46117
    That is a very tough one.  I would like to LEAVE and tell the manager why I am leaving. 

    It should be up to the management to control that kind of behavior.  And of COURSE the parents, but we would not be having this conversation if they were doing their parental job in the first place.

    This is not good for the kids neither.   They are being taught zero respect for anything civilized.   This teaches them to be obnoxious brats.   I cannot imagine parents allowing this. 
      November 7, 2016 11:55 PM MST

  • 2465
    I know, it IS hard.  But when other parents allow it, getting up is the only solution so you can enjoy your meal. I guess sometimes, parents turn a deaf ear on their children because they're used to hearing/seeing it at home. I know that when I'm sitting at home watching TV, there have been plenty of times when my roomie will say she wished the parrots would shut up because she can't hear the TV.  Up until that point, I was so focused on the TV that I didn't even notice they were squawking.  Then I tell her thanks a lot because NOW I can.  I guess it's kind of the same thing with parents and their children some times.    But I hate it too.
      November 8, 2016 12:07 AM MST

  • 46117
    I never thought of it that way. 

    Great answer.  Thanks for the new perspective.  I just thought they were ignorant, but they may just not realize how insane it sounds when you are not around it all day and night. 
      November 8, 2016 12:10 AM MST

  • 2465
    You're welcome, but don't be too hasty now.  There just MIGHT be some that are both oblivious as well as ignorant.  But on a serious note, I think it's important for parents to teach children from a very young age, how to behave in public.  They'll need those skills their entire lives and parents that fail in that regard are doing their children an injustice.
      November 8, 2016 1:02 AM MST

  • Yes, and I will shame the chit out of you if it's your child.
    If you cannot be enough of a parent to keep your spawn behaved, calm, and quiet in public then you do not  belong in a restaurant with other people.
      November 8, 2016 4:46 AM MST

  • 1326
    That kind of behavior is the parents fault. the kids have not been taught to behave properly. the restaurant management should be more aware of these situations.
      November 18, 2016 11:28 PM MST