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1st Amendment Audits


I've mentioned 1st Amendment audits on these pages several times with NO response. If you haven't heard of them you will in short order.  It's a growing grass roots phenomenon meant to hold government to account.  It does that up close and personal, and often times on the ground in handcuffs.
The “First Amendment Audit” phenomenon doesn’t appear to be led by any particular organization, but rather, seems to be made up of individuals who are interested in making videos of their encounters with law enforcement officers or other public officials. If the encounter results in an actual or perceived violation of the auditor’s First Amendment or other protected rights, then the video likely will be posted on social media and/or serve as the basis for a claim or suit. A violation may come about if the auditor is denied the right to take photos or videos in a public place, or is detained for “suspicious” activity or other reasons.
In my view, this movement is the best thing to happen to America since Paul Revere's ride.

Posted - August 20, 2023


  • 8295
    It sounds like it might be good...HA!  I believe they are a bunch of punks who want attention and likes on Tic Tok.  I would not want my business and especially my employees harassed like that.  You never know what their real intentions are.  They do it to Police, FBI, Hospitals, anyplace that needs privacy.  There should be a law against it as it serves no useful purpose and makes a lot of people intimidated and upset. 
      August 20, 2023 5:47 PM MDT