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Should any Government allow (pay for through gov insurance and gov policies) assisted suicide for mentally ill people?

Canada is offering to help mentally ill people commit suicide through their government provided Healthcare.
Mentally ill (solely condition) will be come into effect March 2024.

Rather than providing needed services to people, they are offering to kill them. 
The program is called MAiD.

Posted - October 19, 2023


  • 11591
    So, it's fine to spare a criminal from a life in prison, or perhaps spare the government the expense of of incarceration, but it's wrong to allow a person with an unbearable condition to die with dignity? Your logic escapes me. And since you are against assisted suicide at all, this is not just about mental illness. Furthermore, I, personally, do not have the expertise to state categorically that there is no mental illness for assisted suicide would never be the most humane option. Apparently your experience with a few people makes you an expert. 
      October 21, 2023 7:40 AM MDT

  • 35078
    Government should not be killing people instead of providing treatment.

    I said if we know they did it and it was not defensive or accidental....I have no problem with death penalty for those type criminals.
      October 21, 2023 9:37 AM MDT

  • 11591
    Assisted suicide should not be an alternative to treatment, but rather an option when treatment is not effective and the person's condition is unbearable for them.

    Assisted suicide is providing the means and the information for the patient to use. It is not strapping them to a table and administering a lethal injection. That would be barbaric.
      October 21, 2023 10:42 AM MDT

  • 35078
    If you look at the article I posted, this lady  (not mental illness but something else) has found a treatment that indeed works for her. But the socialized medicine in Canada refuses to pay for that treatment.They cover 10 treatments at $23 a year....just 1 treatment costs $200+.  So they paying for 1 treatment a it is a viable treatment in the gov opinion.  The gov has said they will pay to kill her ....provide her with Medical Assistance in Death (they have approved her application) if she decides to go that route.  Now, they may not be strapping her down to a table and injecting her, but is refusing to give her a treatment that works any less barbaric? This post was edited by my2cents at October 21, 2023 2:26 PM MDT
      October 21, 2023 2:22 PM MDT

  • 11591
    The article does not say that the government is offering assisted suicide instead of treatments. She applied for,  and was approved for assisted suicide because she wants to have it if she needs it as her condition progresses. The issue of not getting the care she needs is a separate,  but very troubling issue. Unfortunately, many patients are denied reimbursement for treatments that are not approved, whether by the government medical system or by insurance companies in the US. Not allowing assisted suicide would not fix the underlying issue and no one was told 'we won't pay for treatments, but we will pay for you to die'. Two separate issues.
      October 21, 2023 3:26 PM MDT

  • 35078
    Not getting proper treatment is not a separate issue.  The gov "healthcare" is refusing to pay for the treatment but approving to pay for her death.  That is the issue.   They have decided it is cheaper to pay to kill her than to pay to treat her. 
      October 21, 2023 7:46 PM MDT

  • 11591
    I disagree, No surprise there. But I am noticing you're starting to sound like a liberal, so maybe there's some hope for you.
      October 22, 2023 4:49 AM MDT

  • 35078
    Lol.  Not the first time,  I have been called a liberal on this site.
    I  do not support gov supplied healthcare...this is one of the reasons.  But Canada does and has it, if they are going to have it then they should give people their medical treatments. I am not the liberal just think the liberals should honor their commitments. This post was edited by my2cents at October 22, 2023 8:19 AM MDT
      October 22, 2023 8:18 AM MDT

  • 13277
    Since 1973, 195 former death row prisoners have been exonerated of all charges that put them there.

    Why do you think the death penalty is OK when there are that many cases like this?

    Furthermore, how do you justify opposing abortion rights while being in favor of capital punishment? Both amount to human beings playing God.
      October 21, 2023 12:30 PM MDT

  • 35078
    Again, this is why I qualified my position, must no question this was the person....must have DNA  evidence and video or a confession etc. No self defense or accidental deaths. 

    That was my point in my response to Welby.

    I do not oppose abortion or support death penalty in select cases because of humans playing   God.
    I defend innocent human life. The unborn human baby is the most innocent of all humans. And anyone who is violently murdering humans is not an innocent.    This post was edited by my2cents at October 21, 2023 12:58 PM MDT
      October 21, 2023 12:35 PM MDT

  • 13277
    Thanks. I just saw that after I posted my question.
      October 21, 2023 12:36 PM MDT

  • 13277
    In the case of assisted suicide for the terminally ill, what’s the difference between that and DNR instructions, which are allowed in the US?
      October 21, 2023 12:39 PM MDT

  • 35078
    Government should not pay to kill their citizens.  
      October 21, 2023 1:06 PM MDT

  • 11591
    True. And that includes capital punishment. We either respect life or we don't. 
      October 22, 2023 4:50 AM MDT

  • 35078
    Not just life....innocent human life. 

    People like those who just invaded Israel and raped, tortured, burnt and murdered people in their beds on their holy day....I have NO respect for their life. Or any other criminals who committed similar murders. No respect for their life whatsoever.  
      October 22, 2023 8:31 AM MDT

  • 11591
    Assisted suicide allows the person to have a dignified death at the the of their choice.  DNR allows the patient to die naturally if their heart stops beating or they stop breathing. 
      October 21, 2023 3:32 PM MDT