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Should police be allowed to shoot residents on their porch with paintballs/rubber bullet over curfew orders because of Floyd riots?

Posted - August 13


  • 44538
    No way.
      August 13, 2024 11:20 AM MDT

  • 33803
    It happened in Minnesota under Walz.  
    (Edited since your was during Covid lockdowns but because of the Floyd riots) This post was edited by my2cents at August 13, 2024 1:02 PM MDT
      August 13, 2024 11:37 AM MDT

  • 10684
    Oh, I  see , this a blame Walz post. Not a blame the local police story. At the time Walz was heavily criticized for calling in the Guard by some people and criticized for not calling them in sooner by  others. The law enforcement shooting paintballs, included National Guardsmen, as well as local police. It's always easy to sit back and and think you have all the answers when you are separated from the situation by time and distance.
      August 13, 2024 4:14 PM MDT

  • 33803
    Local police at fault as well. They all should have been fired.  The chief and any officers involved.   Walz should have made it happen. 

    And as Gov Walz is in charge of the he is responsible for their actions.  What did he do afterwards? 
      August 13, 2024 7:37 PM MDT

  • 10684
    This is a complex issue. I do not believe I can have a civil discussion in this forum, so I  respectfully decline to comment further.
      August 13, 2024 8:56 PM MDT

  • 10684
    First of all, that was done enforcing the curfew during the protests after George Floyd murder at the hands of police officer, not enforcing covid lockdowns. I don't recall any police enforcing lockdowns on individual citizens, but I m sure you'll let me know if I'm wrong. 

    But it still shows you exactly what kind of a police force there is in Minneapolis.  I am still upset that the Minneapolis Police Chief did not resign and did not take responsibility for the actions of his officers in that murder.

    I also don't support  a Presidential candidate who thinks police should have more power and be immune from prosecution. I think you know which one that is. This post was edited by Jane S at August 13, 2024 6:21 PM MDT
      August 13, 2024 11:41 AM MDT

  • 33803
    Ok.  So for curfew because the riots. 

    These people were on their own porch. Not in the street and not out protesting. To me this does not make it better.  (But I will correct the question)

    Click the links it shows News 11 reporting with video of Minneapolis police shooting residents with paintballs, saying "Light 'em up" before firing at people who were sitting on their porches during covid lockdowns. 

    They even prosecuted a man who shot back at police who shot rubber 40mm bullets at him because thought it was random criminals shooting at him. His last name was Stallings.  Thankfully he was acquitted under self defense laws. This post was edited by my2cents at August 13, 2024 12:57 PM MDT
      August 13, 2024 12:39 PM MDT

  • 10684
    I didn't like it either. You don't have to explain to me what was happening. Those people were on their porches watching to make sure rioters stayed out of their neighborhood. 

    I don't have to click any more links. This happened in my area. I was angry then and I'm angry now. BTW, there were National Guard troops as well as police doing this.

    Again, I oppose Trump's policy of giving police more power and that they should be immune from prosecution. 
      August 13, 2024 4:05 PM MDT

  • 33803
    Why let Chief resign? He should have been fired and Walz as Governor should have made sure it happened.  

    Walz as Governor was then head of the National Guard.   Yes we should have sent them when the Mayor and Chief requested them to prevent the escalation. 

    Why did he allow this man Stallings to go to trial?  Walz should have pardoned him the same day they charged him. 

    After the shooting of residents on their porch, what do Walz do as the Leader of the NG? This post was edited by my2cents at August 13, 2024 7:39 PM MDT
      August 13, 2024 7:31 PM MDT

  • 10684
    I am skeptical that we can have a fruitful discussion on this very complex topic. Therefore, I respectfully decline to comment further. 
      August 13, 2024 8:59 PM MDT