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Should UN workers who PARTICIPATED in the Oct 7th attack on Israel keep their immunity as UN workers?

Posted - September 22


  • 16609
    No and they won't be. 9 of the 12 have been fired by UNRWA, the other 3 are confirmed dead.

    That said, Israel's response to the attack has been completely disproportionate and DOES include war crimes including genocide. You'd think that Israel of all nations on the planet would be leery of that one given that the state owes it's very existence to genocide perpetrated against them.

    The war is fratricidal, goes back to Abraham and the side of the angels is not self-evident. Sarah treated Hagar and her son abhominably and the Ishmaelites, rightly or wrongly, feel cheated of their birthright given that Ishmael was the ELDER son of Abraham.
      September 22, 2024 4:56 PM MDT

  • 33777
    Hamas still has hostages.  
    Ishmaelites got/have majority of the land in the region. For peace all they have to do is be peaceful and leave Israel alone. 
      September 22, 2024 5:13 PM MDT

  • 16609
    Neither Hamas nor Netanyahu want peace, in fact they avoid it at all costs. Both rely on fear-mongering for their political survival.
      September 22, 2024 5:19 PM MDT

  • 33777
    Netanyahu did not attack Gazians. 

    Also after further reading, these workers already have immunity.   UN has to remove it from them. They are not removing the protection and Biden/Harris DOJ is agreeing the UN.    Disgusting
      September 22, 2024 5:35 PM MDT

  • 16609
    Your first statement is pure balderdash. The Israeli armed forces are under the command of the President in much the same way that the POTUS is Commander-in-Chief of America's. If Netanyahu didn't directly order the attack on Gaza he was undoubtedly aware of it and has repeatedly refused to withdraw.
    Personally I believe that the Palestinians should be pushed into Egypt,  the Israelis back into Israel proper and the entire area plastered with food grade gelatine (made from rendered pig fat) so neither Jew nor Muslim can live there.
      September 22, 2024 10:50 PM MDT

  • 33777
    Gaza Hamas attacked Israel.  Israel counterattacked terrorists.  They warn the people where they are coming, and tell them if you are not a terrorist to leave the area. 

    Egypt will not take Gazians nor will any other Muslim violent do you have to be for all the Muslim countries to refuse to accept people?

    Egypt border wall with Gaza. 

    It is Israel's land and they can choose where their border is....they have learned the hard way that "land for peace" doesn't work.  There is still no peace. This post was edited by my2cents at September 23, 2024 5:20 AM MDT
      September 23, 2024 5:13 AM MDT