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Discussion » Questions » Current Events and News » Four shot and killed, and numerous others shot...five second scroll at the bottom of the news...P diddly...ten minutes of news.

Four shot and killed, and numerous others shot...five second scroll at the bottom of the news...P diddly...ten minutes of news.

Guess he's more important.

Posted - September 22


  • 33777
    Alabama.   And there is no one to call racist so media does not care. 
      September 23, 2024 5:59 AM MDT

  • 10935

    Reminds me of Joe Jackson’s song – Sunday Papers. If you want to hear about the Bishop and the actress – if you want to hear about the stains on the mattress – you can read about it in the Sunday paper. People seen to be more interested in dirt than real news and the networks capitalize on it. Cheers!

      September 23, 2024 7:58 AM MDT

  • 10555
    It's not "importance", it's sensationalism.  Shootings are becoming so common (and seemingly unstoppable) that people are starting turning a deaf ear to them.  However, hearing scandal about someone "famous" ... now, that's ear-tickling.   News agencies (from both sides) know this and thus cater to it.
      September 23, 2024 8:17 AM MDT