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Randy D
Discussion » Questions » Computers and the Internet » How do I resolve the billing information to pay only from iTune card to purchase the Apps?

How do I resolve the billing information to pay only from iTune card to purchase the Apps?

When I go in the App Store and try purchase one of App, but just the free one, with the iTune card I bought from the store

Then it went through these other billing information pages here:

Password required, & I got the correct password in, then to these next pages:

Just ’Continue’ then get to these:

Then I just want to know how I can get the App to be going in with just the iTune card for the App to just be loaded in-to the iPad, so I can just play the App that I try to load here.

Posted - 5 hours ago


  • 3414
    If the app is free, why do you think you would have to pay for it with iTunes or anything else?
      September 27, 2024 4:01 PM MDT