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Do you care if I share a nightmare I can't compare in my hair that has no fair?

Ever since they "the city-ites" cut down that healthy in the prime tree  because it was breaking up a small brick wall in their backyard and my folks took them to court and lost,  I felt the end is getting nearer.

A nightmare that many people are experiencing right now in reality is the pervasive anxiety over climate change. Rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and escalating natural disasters create a sense of impending doom. Communities face displacement due to floods and wildfires, while ecosystems are collapsing at an alarming rate. This fear is compounded by political inaction, misinformation, and the feeling of helplessness as individuals grapple with the fragility of their future. It's a waking nightmare of uncertainty, where the hope for a stable and sustainable world seems ever more elusive.

Posted - 3 hours ago
