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Colbert absolutetly blasted/insulted Trump after he was elected. Is this allowed? Can we still attack him like that?

Posted - November 11, 2016


  • 17641
    Who is Colbert?
      November 11, 2016 2:03 PM MST

  • 46117
    Steven Colbert?  I'll get him for you.  You won't like it. This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at November 11, 2016 2:50 PM MST
      November 11, 2016 2:47 PM MST

  • 17260
    Let me help you a bit... Such shame you didn't knew about him before election, Thrifty... Mmhmm...

    This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at November 12, 2016 4:23 PM MST
      November 11, 2016 2:48 PM MST

  • 46117
    I am so sickened still I cannot look.  Like looking at pics of my dad after he died.  I couldn't do it for a long time.  This is too soon too fast.  But thank You SH.  I really want this here.  I just want you to know that the impact of this event  makes me not want to keep thinking about how it feels all the time.  It is something that is not going to disappear. 
      November 11, 2016 3:00 PM MST

  • 17260
    You should watch the show. Colbert is doing a great show, once again.
      November 11, 2016 3:11 PM MST

  • 46117
    I did watch it.  I figure if you can handle it so can I and it was very GOOD.  VERY.
      November 11, 2016 6:48 PM MST

  • 17260
    It is. And yes, at times we have to face the scary things in life in order to be prepared. Odd how silent the always informed and educated the original commenter got. Guess their little "play" didn't turn out as planned. Even Donald knows Colbert. Tsk tsk.
      November 12, 2016 1:18 AM MST

  • Absolutely it's allowed.. encouraged even.. this is what free speech  is about.. THIS is how Americans can and should fight back.. Trump doesnt hesitate to insult and belittle people.. he is a rude arrogant man who has a LOT of faults... bad enough he is where he is but at very least Americans have the right to speak out and say as they please.. the trump supporters very very vociferous with allegations and insults during the campaign.. it wouldn't be right if  the other side doesnt  get the right to say what they think and to speak
      November 11, 2016 2:15 PM MST

  • 46117
    Well since I can sympathize with why you say this, I do not really agree with some of this either. 

    1.  Americans should fight back.  I see your point but mine is :  Americans should not freaking HAVE to fight back.  This is an abomination.

    2.  We have had people here in Arizona thrown into prison after calling Bush names.   You have to watch who you are insulting.   People down here think if you insult their party you are insulting THEM personally.  And they are right, of course.  LOL

    So, if we had a modicum of grace and education on societal norms and how to have a productive society in which to grow and prosper, I think it is necessary to point out here that we should never be a civilized country in this day and age and have to deal with a 3rd grader whom everyone loathes running the country.  Who put this crumb bumb in the Oval?  Americans.  America can stuff it for all I care.

    I keep hearing this lament going around "may you live in interesting times.  I think "may you live in Feudal times" is more like it.

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at November 11, 2016 3:16 PM MST
      November 11, 2016 2:54 PM MST

  • What can i say? you are right, of course.. and this is where intelligent, sane, reasoning Americans can help us who don't live there to understand how it is ... I cannot disagree with you and thank you for the finer points you make that add depth to this discussion. 
      November 11, 2016 3:17 PM MST

  • 46117
    You are way too nice  and thank you for saying this and caring enough to read it. 
      November 11, 2016 6:50 PM MST

  • 326
    should let it go,the die has been cast.
      November 11, 2016 2:58 PM MST

  • 46117
    I am not a sociopath.  I lack the skill of pretending nothing bad happened.  I lack the skill of having no fear, or guilt or shame.  I lack the skill of absorbing the enormity of what  has been cast.  And anyone that can give such a flippant remark is not someone I care to pay much heed to.  People like you can let it go.  But pretty soon, even the most thick, will see what is in front of them eventually.  TOO LATE, of course.   
      November 11, 2016 6:52 PM MST

  • I truly mean when I say, I hope you can find some time to share in some good thoughts. Reality has not even begun to set in for many. I actually believe Trump will implode long before his term is over. 
      November 11, 2016 7:13 PM MST

  • 46117
    Ran, I hope you are right.  I think it is something that could happen. However, I also think that maybe he will cause so much mischief and hurt before he does implode that we will be reeling for years to come.

    Or not.  We are letting a loaded stick of dynamite tell us what is up.
      November 11, 2016 10:41 PM MST

  • 326
     the proof of the pudding is in the eating
      November 11, 2016 11:51 PM MST

  • 181
    Far more prominent  figures  than Stephen Colbert have been  blasting and insulting the sitting president for 8 years, of course.  Hard to say if that will still be "allowed",  after the president-elect actually gains the the power of the office. 
      November 11, 2016 7:29 PM MST

  • 46117
    Obama would not be bothered with such petty nonsense almost TOO much if you ask me.  He ignored way too much and was constantly walked over.  I watched that man age as he realized he was a puppet and not a leader and he was not pulling the strings at all.

    But, enough about Barak, he tried but not hard enough as far as I wanted, but I do not dislike the man, nor feel he is anything like this thing we have now. 

    Now Bush?  He was darned near close.  But not as bad. Even with his cocktails and warmongering, he was not as bad as Trump and that says a LOT. 
      November 11, 2016 10:44 PM MST

  • 181

    I admire President Obama's restraint,  diplomacy, and lack of pettiness.  I have also  been disappointed, that he didn't fight harder for certain things.  I believe he kind of 'sold out', and caved too easily. 

    I can't even speak about the president-elect anymore, just now....

      November 12, 2016 4:28 PM MST

  • 691
    Yes and I say as someone who vote for trump of course he should be subject to the same humor and venting as any other president. That is what he signed up for. I believe he can take it and if he cannot then I made the wrong choice.
      November 11, 2016 10:33 PM MST

  • 46117
    Dear Mr. Pro:

    I see your desire to have a President who can take insults and laugh was your foundation for your choice.  Boy, I bow to your political expertise.  I had no idea how cunning your strategy was for spending so much time fighting for your choice.  It is because he can take a ribbing and keep on ticking, is that it?

    Well, how about the fact that the ribbing he is taking is not aimed at teasing him, but rather crying out in total despair over the fact that he is a MORON SUPREMO?

    You don't choose a leader of a country because he can take insults and be made fun of.  That is about 1005 on a scale of 1-1006 in importance.

    We vote, ITPro for someone who knows what they are doing.  ITPro, Trump does not have a clue.  He has no passing acquaintance with how to do much else but present whatever façade he feels like.  He's like what Charlie Sheen imagines himself to be.  Winning.  Always Winning. 
      November 11, 2016 10:54 PM MST

  • 691
    Ok but he did win. He came from no experience and no chance and won primary and won the presidency. What more can someone win? He did that by figuring out exactly what to do and doing it. You think he cannot figure out how to be president now? I think he can. I do not think current politicians are such geniuses there are just people who have won a popularity contest. Trump is not behind them.
      November 11, 2016 11:28 PM MST

  • I think you will be disappointed - from what i have seen and heard Trump has less than zero sense of humour. He displays every sign of narcissism including insecurity and need for constant reassurance and ego boosts. I do not think he will tolerate being made fun of. Worse than that though I seriously think his narcissism will cause some very bad and uncomfortable times in the States and will (further) damage its standing around the world.
      November 12, 2016 1:53 AM MST

  • 691
    Saw where? Did you see it the same place that told us how he had no chance every day for over a year? The same place spouting constant nonsense like it is illegal to see wikileaks? Same place inserting and remove parts of trump quotes to change meaning? I expect that he does appear very stupid and humorless if that is where you have seen him.
      November 12, 2016 7:37 AM MST