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Will you buy a dress or gown made of this and why?

Made out of unused plastic garbage, trash, bin bag/liners.  Why or why not?

Posted - November 11, 2016


  • Hmm i would if i had no other clothes and I am, by nature, a greenie environmental advocate - reduce, reuse, recycle but my thinking would be that if it still has the feel of plastic it wouldn't be very comfortable to wear.. it would retain erm moisture so would feel all sweaty :(
      November 12, 2016 2:03 AM MST

  • Well you do know that plastic is a lot more comforabtle than you think.  I wear them a few times a week.  Yeah they do get sweaty, but not as bad as you think it does.  It feels very good to me, but you got to at least tr it since you're an environment advocate.
      November 12, 2016 2:45 AM MST

  • but even so .. sweaty ewww :P
      November 12, 2016 3:31 AM MST