Are you the sum of all your memories, preferences, plans, thoughts, beliefs, feelings and actions?
Are you the same person you were as a child? Why?
Who are you if you forget who you are?
Who are you if nobody knows or recognises you?
I am the sum of all my prejudices.
I and I by and by.
Do you feel you will dissolve into oneness with the godhead (Atman, Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva) when you die?
Or do you expect many more incarnations?
Like, and thank you.
I enjoyed your heartfelt and reflective response. :)
I feel I know you a little better, and like the person you describe. :)
How cryptic! I believe you are much more than that. :)
That sounds Like a quote from somewhere, or like it ought to be.
I wonder if this perception will change over a lifetime, and if so in what ways.
How challenging is it to live with this awareness?
How much does it make your life and relationships easier?
You think Hart? I'm touched that you think that. I really am. Thank you.