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EU Leaders already planning to annul Germany's election, if needed. How long before they try that stuff here?

“Let’s stay calm and enforce the laws in Europe, when they risk being circumvented and if not enforced, could lead to interference. They did it in Romania and, obviously, it will have to be done, if necessary, in Germany as well,” he concluded, referring to the cancellation of the first round of the presidential elections in December.

Posted - January 11


  • 184
    EU leaders can't annul national elections in member states, never mind US elections.
      January 11, 2025 8:15 AM MST

  • 34815
    The first round of elections in Romania was indeed annulled.  And now they are saying they may have to do it again in Germany. 

    It maybe the locals doing it but they have blessing and perhaps the pressure of the EU to do it. 
      January 11, 2025 9:52 AM MST

  • 184
    The annulment in Romania had nothing to do with the EU leadership. The EU leadership has no say in the German electoral process, and therefore not 'planning to annul Germany's election, if needed'.

      January 11, 2025 10:18 AM MST

  • 34815
    Well. The former Former French European Commissioner sure seems to be planning on it...again.
      January 11, 2025 12:24 PM MST

  • 184

    Let me get this right. So, a 'former French European Commissioner' is planning ‘again’, for the EU to annul an election, that the EU has no say over, whatsoever, through a position he no longer holds?

      January 11, 2025 1:26 PM MST

  • 34815
    He is just the one saying it outloud.  If some foreign power can interfere with an election and cause the annulment then some foreign power certainly influence some judge to engage in lawfare.
      January 11, 2025 5:11 PM MST

  • 11369
    The Romanian court annulled the election after finding interference from Russia. Your article is quoting a former EU official, not a current one, who says he believes that laws against interference are strong enough to protect against Musks interference. But, if Musk does not obey the law, then he suggested it may be necessary to annul the election as was done in Romania. I'm not sure what the objection is to having free and fair elections without outsiders trying to influence the outcome. Nor who, exactly,  might 'try that stuff here'.
      January 11, 2025 10:15 AM MST

  • 34815
    And now they are saying they will do it again. In Germany.  
    All countries try to influence other countries' elections.  We do it. Russia does it. Israel does it. Canada does it. The only ones who don't are ones who cannot afford to do it.

    It is up to the voters of any particular country to determine who they will vote for or against and why. And as long as the votes were cast by legal voters for that election NO court should overturn it because they disagree with the results or the reasoning behind the result. 

    What they tried and succeeded in doing was in fact lawfare and it was tried here. Americans just ignored it.
      January 11, 2025 12:22 PM MST