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What should the media learn from this election?

I'm hoping that they are more honest, focus more on real issues, policy. Stop with the polls, predictions.

Posted - November 13, 2016


  • 5614
    The crowds that showed up at rallies meant something. They reflected the motivation Trump supporters had to show up at the polls and cast their ballots for him. The media was reluctant to pan the camera around to show them except when a disturbance happened. They refrained from showing Hillary supporters at her rallies because they seldom filled the spaces reserved for them. That showed the lack of support we again saw the night of the election. Low enthusiasm resulted in less than necessary turnout. That plus high turnout for Trump meant a loss for Hillary. The Dems needed a more charismatic figure motivating the crowd to match the surge for Trump. This post was edited by O-uknow at November 13, 2016 11:43 AM MST
      November 13, 2016 10:21 AM MST

  • 2515
    1. Tell the American people who sets the narrative for presidential campaigns. It wasn't just the main media. It was also radio hosts like Rush Limbaugh and other crazies. They set up Hillary with a negative narrative and Trump with a positive one. This happened before the campaign. Yes, the emails were included. There was nothing about Trump as a misogynist. The narrative says what the stories will be about for the WHOLE campaign. 
    2. The media should not have polls they show the American people and the hidden ones for themselves to shape the stories like they want them to sway opinion. 
    3. The media has a role in the election to elect a president. It is to inform the public so that can make a wise decision of who to vote for. They have to write about all issues concerning the public---those that affect their lives. They absolutely left out climate change, knowing our survival  depends on that. Our food supply as well. The rising of oceans that will affect our cities located by the coasts.
    4. Polls are ok, but only serve well, if used properly---not to deceive people. It looks like, to me, that they told the American people Hillary was way ahead, so many do not worry about even going to vote. This is why they were shocked. No one expected Trump to win.
    5. People should also read books. Noam Chomsky has written many books about how the media manufactures consent. Hegemony. Media Control. Profit Over People. How the World Works. Illusions of Democracy. People need to be more informed. Instead they are stuck at home watching reality shows and sports. Being spoon fed. Drinking the Kool-Aid. Turn your television sets off once in a while and pick up a book. 
    6. The media should learn they have a responsibility not to sell us demagogues for leaders. They do have the power to do this. Propaganda works. The media is too focused on ratings because they bring in money. 
    7. A few media people did try--like People on Twitter: Chris Hayes of NBC, Dan Rather, who used to be on CBS, C.J. Werleman, John Fugelsang, and other people like art critic, Jerry Saltz. The Houston Chronicle was also great. And I can't forget Bill Moyers for helping me learn how the narrative works in journalism. It is everything! 
    8. There were others I thought did a good job. The public read tabloids to keep informed and made decisions from that. I am not going to blame the media for everything. Showing videos of Trump being the way he was, was enough. People saw it. They still voted Trump. What else can I say? 
      November 13, 2016 10:43 AM MST

  • 5614
    The media did not create opinion it only reflected opinion. Trouble is the opinion it reflects most often is opinion it shares.
      November 13, 2016 10:59 AM MST

  • 3907
    Hello not:

    I liked the press the way it was..  It was done by reporters - NOT "journalists".  Being a reporter used to be a trade.  It was NOT a profession.  It was done by LOCAL people, for a LOCAL paper with LOCAL interests at heart..  They DIDN'T mix socially with the people they covered.  They were tradesmen.  They were middle class. 

    These days, the media lives in Washington and NY and have become members of the elite.  They rub shoulders with the people they write about.  They're afraid if they're too tough, they won't be invited to the next social event, or won't come on their show anymore..  THAT is how we got Trump..

    That's a swamp.  It needs to be drained.


    This post was edited by excon at November 13, 2016 10:51 AM MST
      November 13, 2016 10:47 AM MST

  • 5614
    Tis a natural progression towards unsustainability. No system is perfect so all eventually must be reformed or reset. This post was edited by O-uknow at November 13, 2016 10:56 AM MST
      November 13, 2016 10:55 AM MST

  • 17641
    Report what happens.  That is all they are supposed to do.  The  NYT sent a letter out to its readers today saying they are going back to that.   We'll see.  The press actually felt like they failed because "their candidate" lost.  THE PRESS IS NOT SUPPOSED TO HAVE A CANDIDATE. They should not make predictions and polls.  Report the activity of campaigns.  That's all.   Media outlets are not supposed to campaign.  They are supposed to report the news.  That is all.  
      November 13, 2016 2:58 PM MST