Discussion»Questions»Politics» Should paying attention to money Bill Clinton now will receive for speaking engagements reveal how severe the corruption was between th
May as well wish for the moon on a stick. And the people you'll be wanting to conduct this investigation will themselves be guilty of some sort of moderate to serious dodgy dealings. Are they likely to really throw the book at someone when they will need little persuasion to imagine themselves in a similar position?
Getting the powers that be to judge people among their own number is always going to be a shot in the dark at best. And that's to say nothing of the rabid loathing that would also need to be cut out of such an investigation. Otherwise it will look like a witch hunt and nothing more.
So the chances of you getting what you wish are, at best, nil.
Actually my comment was similar to @La Marguerite - I am bemused as to why there is still so much hatred from the Trump supporters.. forgive me for observing this but it's almost like they were whipped up to a frenzy by a lot of hate fueled words and now they cannot get rid of their pent up aggression.. so it's still seeping out..
Clinton, Republican and Democrat policies wrecked lives while politicians on both sides enriched themselves. The public needs to know how they did and why.
This post was edited by O-uknow at November 13, 2016 11:07 AM MST
Well yes i get that... but my point was why keep up the hatred..the anger.. it's almost palpable.. with friends on facebook unfriending each other.. it's mad.. as someone wiser than i said already.. you won..why not let it go...
It seemed a pretty petty hate fueled comment to me.. sorry if that's how it seems but.. erm .. that's how it seems.. I can only say what it is.. Point being.. why ask it? why? who cares how much he charges? Like EVERYONE he's going to ask as much as he can and will get as much as people will pay.. so what? That's how they all do it.. including all our ex PMs.
So my thinking was.. this can only have been brought up motivated by some desire to hound and try to keep up the hate filled rhetoric of the campaign...
Hmm i watched it.. but it's hardly unbiased is it? Fact is that Trump supporters did same .. and seem the more voiciferous on this.. and the point is.. despite all this alleged violence and disruption.. Trump won.. so it didn't work did it.....I don't recall reading about any Trump rallies disrupted? where are those? Did we see same on the other side too? Trump supporters disrupting Clinton rallies? I am just being truthful here..I didn't see this? was it not reported? If not why not? I did see the one where someone yelled Gun at one of the most recent rallies... but no other reports... and as i say the animosity in this election is so great which is shocking enough.. but do we really think that if this is for real, (and there is no proof) that there wasn't the exact same and opposite on the other side?
And are all these reporters totally unbiased? I was told by Americans you cannot trust the news as they tend to fall into one camp or the other..the trump supporters slated the hilary ones and there were reports of the trump supporters threatening Clinton supporters..
I guess what i mean is... for every source saying bad things about CLinton supporters there can be shown to be bias or an opposing explanation...
By that logic, we shouldn't believe anything reported on the new. Neither candidate should have made it as far as they did. We had a piss poor choice this election.