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Do you always know what the reasons are for your words/actions? Whether you are aware or un the reasons are there somewhere. Right?

Posted - November 15, 2016


  • Usually, I'm aware and conscious of my words and actions.
    But becoming conscious of my unconscious influences and patterns has taken a long time.
    When in new territory, I don't always know my way -- I may need to explore and experiment.
      November 15, 2016 4:24 AM MST

  • 113301
    I hear ya loud and clear m'dear. There are times when I wonder why I'm so upset about something? There is upset and then there is UPSET! I try to figure that out and I never know if I do or don't. How do you really know for sure the WHY about anything?   Thank you for your reply hartfire. Sometimes even my Jim will say "why are you reacting like that? He is such a sweet guy and never says a negative word to me but if even he notices I'm overreacting about something then for sure I am. Anyway maybe one day I can figure me out!  :) This post was edited by RosieG at November 15, 2016 5:31 AM MST
      November 15, 2016 5:30 AM MST

  • Do you keep a diary or journal?
    A suggestion only - and please disregard it and forgive me if it is not welcome...
    Make a copy of your questions over the last six months and then read through them.
    I have a reasonably clear memory of your reactions to news events over that time.
    They are, in my view, consistent - they reveal a pattern of care and concern about animals, people, society the environment as a whole.
      November 15, 2016 12:53 PM MST