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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » PET asked Obama how many positions had to be filled in the White House. Obama answered "all of them:" 4000 jobs. Surprise?

PET asked Obama how many positions had to be filled in the White House. Obama answered "all of them:" 4000 jobs. Surprise?

Guess PET and the Trumpeteers didn't do due diligence in advance. They didn't have a clue. Now they do. So how would YOU like to have to fill 4000 jobs in a coupla months? Me too neither! I say good luck to them. They're gonna need it along with miracles!  Do you believe in miracles?

Posted - November 15, 2016


  • 214
    You seem to forget that Obama had to fill those jobs when he moved into the White House. He did it, as did every other President in the past, so I can see no problem with President Elect Trump and his team being able to do it. 
      November 15, 2016 9:33 AM MST