Discussion»Questions»Books and Literature» F, Scott Fitzgerald told us that the rich are different from us. PET will show us exactly how different won't he?
He thinks he is entitled. We know this. There is nothing TO show. Only those who know they can never pretend to the throne, worship people on it.
Only those who worship money they can never have, want some symbolic figurehead to remind them that we are rich and have a rich leader in this rich country of ours that forces anyone of mind and conscience to probably remain poor as a churchmouse until they take that dirt nap.
Is there anything about him that you believe will be helpful to "the little people" OS? I see nothing there for the masses of "we the people" that we have to look forward to...nothing. Do you? If so would share it? Mahalo for your reply and Happy Thursday! :)
Yes...and for everyone who believes that putting a billionaire into the whitehouse who made his wealth using the current system and who think that he will represent them, you have to ask yourselves; Why would he change anything that made him the man that he is today and why would he be willing to change that system when his children and family rely on the very same system to maintain their standing and legacy?
This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at November 17, 2016 2:19 AM MST
Tsk tsk tsk m'dear. You are being logical again. That simply will not work when it comes to reaching PET worshippers. I know you know that but you just wish to point that out anyway. I see no light ahead at all for "we the people". Cut taxes drastically. Build up the military. Work to repair infrastructure. Build a Wall. Deport millions . Break treaties with various countries. Reverse everything Obama accomplished in 8 years. Stack SCOTUS with extreme right-wing ALT RIGHT WHITES. Surround yourself with racists like a Steve Bannon and people of worrisome character like Rudy Giuliani, Newt Gingrich, et al. Tip of the iceberg. I don't have the heart to go on further with that. Thank you for your thoughtful reply GJ and Happy Thursday! :)
I think he will change things, but more in favour of capitalism: further restrictions on union rights, less taxes and further deregulation of rules for corporations, and reducing or ending tort cases in court. He will support only one ethic, the obligation to make profits, irrespective of consequences to people and the environment. It does have a couple of long-term, built-in, default extinction clauses. When the majority of the population becomes too poor, not enough people can buy the products that produce the profit - they are already trying to re-inventing slavery to try to overcome that - via credit card debt. That won't work either in the long term. The earth has finite resources - so endless profit is not possible.
This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at November 17, 2016 12:16 PM MST
Fitzgerald illustrates it perfectly in his novels. If a rich person can buy what he wants when he wants it (which is true for almost everything except love), then he become like a spoilt child that experiences no limits on his behaviour. Or she/her. It makes it impossible to have empathy for others if you've never been inside the lower end of the behavioural sink: never experienced physical pain, hunger, cold, the debt trap, inability to find work despite all efforts, violence, the effects of other's abuse of drugs, or numerous other forms of trauma.
This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at November 17, 2016 12:18 PM MST
Well PET sold his worshippers a bill of goods m'dear. They think he gives a rat's a** about them. They do. They really do. Which is why I think they are a species apart from normal folks. Thank you for your thoughtful reply and Happy Thursday hartfire. I'm not saying they are abnormal. I'm just saying that they are very different from thee and me. Very different. Extremely different. :(