Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » Rebuked. Rejected. Reviled. Despised. Distrusted. Feared. How much can an ego-only person take it?

Rebuked. Rejected. Reviled. Despised. Distrusted. Feared. How much can an ego-only person take it?

When an ego is very fragile and very needy....when love/support/acceptance is demanded OR ELSE, can such a person survive the hostility/antipathy/animosity that his very existence engenders? How long before such a person crumbles? How long before a retaliatory revengeful person strikes back, wantonly,viciously, loose cannony? Why?

Posted - November 18, 2016


  • 11586
    A person like that can ignores their detractors and/or lay the blame on the person who dislikes them for being sarcastic/insulting/ a troublemaker. Or, if they are smart, they will work to win over those who oppose them. 
      November 18, 2016 6:33 AM MST

  • 46117

    A PERSON WITH TOTAL EGO DOESN'T SEE IT.   The fragility does not stem from any awareness whatsoever.  When you are totally enmeshed in listening to ego only, insecurities will develop but the ego will not allow them to manifest to any degree that awareness sets in.

    Because insecurity stems from fear, that is what the person has to deal with.  Fear and running from fear.  If the person is successful at this practice, you have people in everyday life acting like everyone else, since we all have this element in our psyches.  Not just people who have no balance at all.  They fit right in and we don't notice until they need to be carted off somewhere if it gets too out of control.

    This great Nation of ours is so unbalanced and so sick in the collective head that a champion of all that is ego-based has been elected to LEAD everyone. 

    This thing represents all of us now.  Wonderful.  Perfect.
    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at November 18, 2016 6:54 AM MST
      November 18, 2016 6:48 AM MST