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Randy D
Discussion » Questions » Finance » The Trump family will eclipse the Walton family wealthwise. That's PET's goal. Become richer. Who can stop him?

The Trump family will eclipse the Walton family wealthwise. That's PET's goal. Become richer. Who can stop him?

With PET controlling everything and hiring sycophants how can he lose? He will get richer than his wildest dreams and his kids will too..and their kids. The American Dream. Scam the public and get rich off them. Why didn't someone think of it before? He'll OWN SCOTUS too with his appointments. Isn't it grand what a little boy from a wealthy family can do if he just puts his mind to it?

Posted - November 19, 2016


  • 6988
      November 19, 2016 2:11 PM MST