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Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » What would Trump be without papa Fred handing him a career? What would the Trump kids be if papa Donald didn't do the same for them? Why?

What would Trump be without papa Fred handing him a career? What would the Trump kids be if papa Donald didn't do the same for them? Why?

Posted - November 22, 2016


  • 11371
    Trump would of been a spokesmen for a pure lemon juice company because he has a natural sour puss face, In the TV commercials he would take a sip of the lemon juice then make that tight little circle thing he does with his lips and say - thats real tangy folks trust me. Cheers!
      November 22, 2016 8:32 AM MST

  • Well, Rosie. I only discovered recently that Papa Trump was German and Mama Trump was Scottish.
    You know, these alt-righters might have a point about immigrants ruining your country (kidding of course. Keep the faith)
      November 22, 2016 8:41 AM MST