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Discussion » Questions » Family » Will you ask your mother, daughter, or siter this question, why or why not?

Will you ask your mother, daughter, or siter this question, why or why not?

Will you ask them to wear a black unused plastic garbage, trash, bin bag/liner as clothing.  Why or why not?  What is their answer.

Posted - November 24, 2016


  • 17260
    No, and not my aunt, cousin, grandma, any female friends or anyone else for that matter... and all out of the same reasons I've already told you several times. 
      November 24, 2016 2:33 AM MST

  • 5354
    Nah, but i might ask my annoying neighbor who plays a loud Reveille every morning at 5 AM. I might even assist by pulling the bag down over his head ;-)) This post was edited by JakobA the unAmerican. at November 26, 2016 6:05 AM MST
      November 24, 2016 2:35 AM MST

  • 2465
    Can I hire you to put the bag over someone else's head?  lol
      November 26, 2016 6:05 AM MST