Discussion » Questions » Health and Wellness » Stress is harder than hard work on the body do you agree?

Stress is harder than hard work on the body do you agree?

A comment made by a colleague yesterday made me think...

He was describing a 96 year old neighbour who always puts her wheelie bin/trash cans out by the road two at a time. He, who is 60 something asked why she was doing two ... she replied that it was because she can.. He asked her what her secret was re being 96 and still so active. She replied that when you have been working hard and feel like sitting down.. dont..  so in other words she was attributing it to the fact she had always worked hard and been active in her work..

I've been trying to rest more lately.. for my health..as I am always feeling tired and stressed these days..  i always work hard and not one for resting, not sure i even know how..   .. I used to have a very hard physical job and worked long hours at that and i am relatively healthy ... now my job is long hours and hard .. but it's more stress related so i feel tireder.... so  I was thinking.. maybe stress is more damaging and tiring than hard physical work on the body..


Posted - November 24, 2016


  • 1523
    Yes.  That's what I've heard.
      November 24, 2016 9:43 AM MST

  • 11189
    My own personal non-scientific view is that we need to keep a balance between mental and physical exertion. If you are mentally stressed, get physically active and vice versa.
      November 24, 2016 4:59 PM MST