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Discussion » Statements » I want to change my username to Adaydreambeliever Trump Disbeliever but i can't - too many letters

I want to change my username to Adaydreambeliever Trump Disbeliever but i can't - too many letters

So instead I have Trump detester..which pretty much accurately sums up how i feel but I still think disbeliever is good too. I disbelieve that enough people can have been that silly as to have voted for him.. I cannot believe that he is really THAT repulsive as a person..I cannot believe that people overlooked that amount of repulsiveness in one person.. so many times i saw the comment, yea we know he is awful but .... 

I cannot believe he has lasted this long....

I disbelieve everything he says.. well he changes it every five minutes when he has realised that what he said was stupid, unrealistic and totally impossible....

SO yea Trump Disbeliever is accurate...  

Posted - November 24, 2016
