I would have said yes, had you asked me the other day.. To day I'm apparently nasty, very immature, and love to insult... quoting a member I have never talked with in private but who showed up telling me as a first inside the private chat. I must be a very bad person with less Karmic brownie points that is...
Hmm reverse psychology i think.. THEY are all those nasty things and because they are mad that you aren't and you outwitted them they figured they would try to accuse you of all the things they know they are in the hope of making you feel as bad as they do every day
Thing is I haven't been in any kind of exchange of words for a long time. And last time I was I simply suggested them to report stuff to mods if they thought anyone was violating TOS and not make public statements. But that one goes maybe a months back and no further interaction in between. Hmm.
I'm not aware what their issue is, but it did not hold them back for making such unmotivated a message to me. It must be bad Karmic Brownie Points to me today. Guess I'm not suitable in the bigger room today. :-/
Not really. Karma traditionally defined is the result of your actions in life in the next realm or some kind of rebirth or afterlife. Not this life.
Now I believe that negative actions leaves imprints on your psyche and/or causes society to mark you. ( Keep lying, nobody trust you anymore and won't put any worth in you being around. Being a violent and oppressive prick imprints you mentality and in turn leads you down a road of consequences beside legal ones. People will pick up on your negativity and treat you in kind.) However I don't think that's due to some cosmic force or supernatural consciousness doling out justice or balance as the term Karma implies. It's just reflections of your actions causing your person to be seen and treated negatively.