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Yay - I have got my preferred username :)

It took a bit of tweaking, but i finally came up with something i am happy with and which, I feel, represents me and what I am about.. I am a daydream believer, I love music and especially lyrics. I believe that the world and essentially the people in it are basically good and well meaning, well barring a few notable exceptions and extremists. I believe in trusting and assuming everyone is good and kind - until and unless they prove otherwise. I believe in love, (a lovely old Don Williams song that!) I believe in caring I believe in kindness.. I am light and fluffy and believe it or not very humourous.. But at the same time.. I loathe and detest Trump..the man is pure vileness on legs.. 

No one ever asked me to despise him. . no one influenced me.. I base it purely on how the man acts.... and pretty much so does everyone I've talked to in my sphere of contacts/work. We don't have to be told he's bad.. he shows us this every time he opens his mouth.. 

What's hard to understand is how so many people managed to overlook his utter hateful bile he spews whenever he opens his mouth.. Sure his tweets are often edited and he will often say he never said something to try to fool people - but he DID, it's there on record...and so the only people who are fooled must be foolish.  

So he's a truly hideous character...which is bad enough, but what i hate more is what he will do, or try to do and that so many Americans will suffer and end up realising they were duped... I hate what he will do to America, not only will he fail to make America *great* but he will actively harm America's already fairly shaky standing around the world. Almost every nation apart from Russia despise and condemn him, (and you gotta wonder about Russia the old enemy!) and so all Trump can do is alienate America still further.. And that's what upsets me... 

Among other things!

SO that's who I am, a nice fluffy, sweet, kind... TRUMP HATER :P

Posted - November 27, 2016
