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If YOU were a young Muslim American, which looks BETTER to you, America or ISIS??


Let's say you're a young American Muslim, and you heard the Republican nominee for president SAY, that YOU ought to BE on a registry, and that YOUR place of worship SHOULD be under surveillance, WOULD you feel threatened???

And, IF you were this young American Muslim, what looks better to you???  America or ISIS??  


Posted - July 5, 2016


  • 35073

    IF ISIS looks better to anyone of the Muslim faith...then that is proof that Islam is not a religion of peace.

    If joining a terrorist group that cuts heads off and burns people alive, tortures, rapes men, women and children is better than putting up with non-politically correct speech, then I don't want someone like that in the USA either.  ----I also don't want other violent groups in the USA either.

      July 5, 2016 9:24 AM MDT

  • It might be cause for having anti-American feelings and a desire to live Muslim country, but it wouldn't be cause for wanting to join a ruthless terrorist group. 

      July 5, 2016 10:18 AM MDT

  • 35073

    Yes that I could see.  But that is NOT what this question addressed ISIS.   

      July 5, 2016 10:21 AM MDT

  • 3907

    Hello again, my:

    When the SAME stuff was happening in Germany in the 1930's, the CORRECT action for a young Jew to take was to take up ARMS against the state - NOT lay down for them.  If the choice, for a young Muslim today, is between a country that HATES him, or a HATEFUL organization that EMBRACES him, I understand WHY he'd choose ISIS..


      July 5, 2016 1:45 PM MDT

  • 96

      July 5, 2016 2:00 PM MDT

  • 3934

    @m2c --Re: " that cuts heads off and burns people alive, tortures, rapes men, women and children..."

    Are you referring to the United States military?

    Or is violence only evil if the F***ING HADJIS do it?

      July 5, 2016 2:03 PM MDT

  • I would the understand America's reasons for having such a policy. I would simply blame ISIS for bringing Islam into disrepute and inciting anti Muslim feeling.

    Muslims are a security risk. It's a fact. At least 10% of Muslims are sympathetic to the goals of Islamic state. If I were a Muslim I would accept that reality and do my best to reverse the declining reputation of Islam through my own behaviour.

    If the situation became oppressive, I would leave the U.S., though I would keep a sense of perspective. A bit of domestic security paranoia by the U.S. can't be compared to the pure sin of Islamic State. Any Muslim who sides with IS just because they're butthurt over a bit of profiling, deserves to die.

      July 5, 2016 2:58 PM MDT

  • 739
    What Excon is getting at, is that Trump's proposal would alienate Muslims, and some of them would turn to ISIS. It would be a minority of them, but however small the number is, it is too many.
      July 5, 2016 3:53 PM MDT

  • 1002

    I feel threatened by our govt. even without such a list. Just saying...

      July 5, 2016 4:52 PM MDT

  • OS- A false comparison. You can't compare the sins of a state to the sins of a culture. You must compare states with states and cultures with cultures.

    Islamic State (despite their pretension of being a state) is not a state. They're not sovereign. They're a criminal entity that is a manifestation of the radical wing of a culture.

    Whatever sins our government may be guilty of are not our sins. Democratic consent for the intervention in the middle east was won by our governments lying to us. Culturally we don't support conquest of other nations.

    Western culture is superior to Islamic culture. We're not perfect, but we're more enlightened in virtually every way. Your leftist egalitarian ideology forces you to pretend that all cultures are morally equal. They aren't.

    For example the west doesn't support executing gays. The same can't be said of Muslims. As always the loving tolerant liberals don't give a sh*t about truly illiberal behaviour and focus on bashing our own culture instead.

      July 6, 2016 2:34 AM MDT

  • Fifi - Muslims are more radical than Christians. It's a fact.

    The number of Christians that wish to see gay people executed, women stoned for adultery and other such illiberal policies etc etc, is negligible. It has no political effect.

    Such views are the MAINSTREAM not the radical fringe in many Islamic nations. Watch the youtube vid I posted above.

    That fact that not every Muslim thinks that way is irrelevant. It's enough to make them a significant threat to national security.

    It's not just the terrorists that are a threat to national security. The only difference between extremists and moderates is that the moderates plan to achieve an Islamic state by mass immigration and high birth rates, not violence. The moderates don't believe in democracy, secular government, or secular law. They still want Sharia. Letting significant numbers of Muslims into the west is cultural suicide.

      July 6, 2016 3:16 AM MDT

  • 147

    ISIS is not a choice for people, it is the revenge of a tortured hurt torn people unleashed onto the world in an expression of rage. Many young people feel tortured, hurt and torn and that is what attracts them to their tribe so they can achieve payback

      July 6, 2016 4:30 AM MDT

  • 1264

    Very difficult hypothetical question dude!!!  I am so 180 to that I can't even make an educated guess, I would just hope they put their country before their fanatic religion, and realize that this isn't just one bad apple spoiling the barrel but Muslim's are many bad apples that have ruined the barrel.

      July 6, 2016 4:44 AM MDT

  • 1264

    That's ridiculous monk, everyone has a choice. There're many loyal American's of the Muslim faith that don't go out and blow up innocent people {Women & Children} on purpose.

      July 6, 2016 4:50 AM MDT

  • 1264

      2 cents.

      July 6, 2016 4:52 AM MDT

  • 1264


      July 6, 2016 4:54 AM MDT

  • 1264

    OS, really. #1, You'd have to recognize ISIS as a specific military, what country would that be? #2, For you to insinuate that American soldiers are walking into civilian places and blowing up woman and children / cutting their heads off, etc. etc. etc. Just demeans your intelligence, really? Come on dude, I can't speak for other muggers but I overlook that weak moment of yours because I know you're an intelligent man. 

      July 6, 2016 5:06 AM MDT

  • I get his point but it's just not true. Typical liberal solipsism. It imagines an enemy is just a mirror reflecting what we do. It imagines that all we have to do is be loving and accepting and we'll receive love and acceptance in return. It's nonsense.

    Liberals like to imagine that that all human conflict comes from "hate" and that all we have to do is just be nice and an enemy it will have no cause to hate us. A pathetically simplistic view. Muslims AREN'T hateful. They just believe they are right. They believe they're doing God's work. They will push their culture on us unless we resist.

    If a bear attacks you, you should play dead. This is because the bear has no interest in eating you. It only attacks because it feels threatened. Cease to be a threat and it will leave you alone. Though when a predator attacks you, playing dead doesn't work. You're just making it easier.

      July 6, 2016 5:15 AM MDT

  • 35073
    Bahama that is exactly what OS was insinuating.

    OS there is another BIG difference if our military members do something like that we punish them. ISIS on the contrary that is just another day at work.
      July 6, 2016 5:16 AM MDT

  • 739
    No, Austrian, it is you who are engaged in typical conservative solipsism. You assume that all Muslims read the Koran and become evil. It's just not true! ISIS and Al Queda attack far more targets in Muslim countries than over here. It has a lot to do with the centuries old conflict between Shia and Suffi Muslims. There are numerous different branches of Islam, and they are just not the same. Of those who become ISIS or Al Queda, what you say, in most cases, is probably true; there is slim to no chance of getting through to them. But if you imagine all Muslims to be the same, you are making a fundamental error.
      July 7, 2016 9:12 AM MDT

  • HD - I missed your response because you started a new answer thread.

    The only reason that ISIS kill more Muslims is because they are over there not here.

    I never said all Muslims were the same but enough are sympathetic to ISIS to be a problem. At least 10%, probably more like 20%,  believe everything that ISIS believes. They just don't have the balls to actually do anything themselves. At least 50% are completely outside western values.

    Radical Islam is REAL Islam. They are simply doing what the Koran commands them to do. Have you ever read it? I have.

    Muslims + Different Sect Of Islam / Non Muslims = Conflict.

    There is nowhere in the world where this doesn't hold true. They're trouble and they must be kept out.

      August 3, 2016 8:06 AM MDT

  • 3907

    Hello again, AS:

    Let's do some math, shall we?  For starters, there are 3.3 MILLION Muslims living in America.  If even 10% of 'em were hard core radical sharia law BELIEVERS, that works out to around 300,000 people.  If what you say is true, there would be bodies all over the place..

    Yet, I can't remember the last time I heard of anybody getting their hand chopped off, or somebody killing their sister because she got raped...  If there were SOOOO many radical SCARY Muslims around, where are they hiding the bodies??

    I dunno what Solipsoly is, but I can add.


      August 3, 2016 8:27 AM MDT

  • Admittedly the situation in Europe is far worse than the U.S., though it's still a threat.

    Terrorism is not the real threat. The threat is the subversion of our own culture.

    You are being short sighted. Notice how you used the present tense throughout your post. It shows you're not thinking strategically. The question is not what they are now, but what they will be in 30 years if the globalist policy of increasingly open borders continues.

    This video details how the percentage Muslim population equates to its political impact.

      August 3, 2016 10:29 AM MDT

  • 46117

    Since I don't know what ISIS looks like and neither do you, how can I say?

    Since I don't know what it means to live in America and be Muslim, what can I say?

    Since I hardly know what America looks like even to me?  What do you want?

      August 3, 2016 10:32 AM MDT